Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Truth of God

Truth! Is there any absolute truth? The world tells us that there is no absolute truth. It accuses the believer in Christ Jesus of being narrow-minded for believing in absolute truth. Jesus called Himself, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Do we fully understand what this encompasses? Was the Truth telling the absolute truth?

Read John 8:31 & 32. Jesus calls those who believe and follow Him, “disciples.” What does He promise His disciples?

When a person believes that Jesus is who He says He is, God, through Jesus, reveals His truth. By believing God’s truth, we experience freedom from the lies we have learned and have weighed us down. We gain freedom from the sin that we have chosen and received God’s forgiveness. As Jesus’ disciples, we know absolute truth because Jesus is The Truth

We worship God because of His Truth ~ Jesus Christ.

God’s Truth Revealed
The Truth of God is indicative of His faithfulness revealed to you and me through God the Son ~ Jesus the Holy One. He embodies truth in all its fullness. Jesus is the perfect expression of God’s truth. Jesus doesn’t just speak the truth, He is the Truth. This means that all He does and all He says are completely sincere and full of integrity. 

Read John 14:1-7. (See Verse 6).What three things does Jesus say about Himself in verse 6a?
“I am…”

Why can a person confidently approach God?

To worship God in truth, we must know the “Truth of God.” The truth of God is Jesus. He is the way, the only way, to God. There is no other way. To fully worship God, we must accept Jesus as the only way.

We must examine our hearts. Ask yourself whether there is any compromise in you if you profess to be a Christian. For example, do you read your horoscope? Do you rely on other philosophies or religions? Do you think that there are other ways to God? Explain.

To worship the Truth of God, we must acknowledge that Jesus is the only way to God. Anything else is a lie and leads to eternal death. The biblical definition of truth is derived from the character of God. It is the reality of things in the relationship of the Triune God ~ God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit. 

Everything that exists is created by God and has its fundamental identity in its significance given to it by God. We are to base our reasoning on the truth of God because He is Truth. The world is not always true, it deceives and confuses. But, since we were created by God and there is no deception or confusion in Him, we worship Him in His Truth ~ Jesus Christ.

The Bible tells us that Jesus is Truth ~ The Truth of God. Read John 1:14 and write out your view of how truth is used in this verse and its implications:

We worship God freely because Jesus is the Truth of God. He is the truth and when we believe in Jesus we believe in the perfect truth of God. The world’s truth is not perfect and confuses us at times.  This is why we as believers must seek God in spirit and truth.

When we use the word “life” in our daily conversations, we think of the course of our lives and the day-to-day business of living. When the Bible speaks of “life,” it means “The Life ~ Jesus” ~ the force or power that is the very eternal life of God. Jesus is “The Life.” God’s life is eternal, made available to you and me through Jesus Christ.

Read 1 John 5: 11-12. What is the testimony of God?

What does verse 12 say?

Jesus, “The Life,” is seated at the right hand of God and reigns in power and majesty. He,  is our life and when we accept Him as Lord, provides us with the very essentials for us spiritually as well as physically. One day, we will be with Him and see Him. But, for our life on this earth, He is with us in the form of the Holy Spirit residing in all believers. Worship God because He has given us Jesus ~ The Life. 

Prayer Time
Go to your Prayer Journal and worship God in Truth.  Acknowledge Jesus as “The Way, The Truth and The Life” of God. This is essential to truly communicating with God.

Discussion Questions

1. Truth! Is there any absolute truth? The world tells us that there is no absolute truth. It accuses the believer in Christ Jesus of being narrow-minded. What is your opinion? Explain.

2. When a person believes that Jesus is who He says He is, God, through Jesus, reveals His truth. By believing God’s truth, we experience freedom from the lies we have learned and have weighed us down. What do you believe about Jesus?

3. The Truth of God is indicative of His faithfulness revealed to you and me through God the Son ~ Jesus the Holy One. Jesus is the perfect expression of God’s truth. Jesus doesn’t just speak the truth, He is the Truth. This means that all He does and all He says are completely sincere and full of integrity. How do you rely on the Jesus as the Truth? If not, why not?

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