Saturday, January 26, 2013

“Eager Expectation”

We are in a waiting period here on earth. Not all things have been revealed and won’t be until the return of Christ. We wait with great expectation for God to send Jesus to return to earth and get His own from this evil world. Until that time, we wait and hope. This is part of our prayers. We wait and hope and express this in our prayers.

1. Read Romans 8:18-21. What do you think “waiting in eager expectation” means?

In Greek the word for “great expectation” is “apokalypsis” and means “to be attentive with earnest expectation.” Literally, it can be translated as “looking forward as with the neck stretched out and the head thrust forward.” 

Our prayer life should involve this great expectation. God has great things in store for us on this earth and even greater, infinitely greater things are in store for us in Eternity. This expectation should be in the forefront of our minds and hearts. We should be so intent on Jesus and all that He has for us, that we see nothing but Him. Part of petitioning God is expecting that He will answer us with the best that He has.

2. Read James 1:17. (NIV) Fill in the blanks:

“Every __________ and ______________ gift is from _______________ coming down from the ____________ of the heavenly lights, who does not ________________ like the shifting shadows.”

Yes! Every good and perfect gift comes from God. No matter what His answer we can trust that He has given us His best. God doesn’t pull the rug out from us. He is not up in heaven thinking about how He can trick us or pull a fast one. Each and every gift is good and perfect.

3. Read Matthew 7:9-11.  Write out the questions that Jesus asks in verses 9 & 10.

How does He compare the gifts we give to our children to the gifts that God gives to us in verse 11?

God is the perfect parent. He loves us so much that He gave up His best for us in His Son Jesus. He gives His best to us every time we pray. We may not see the reason for His answer, but He never gives anything that is inappropriate. As His dearly loved children we should have the attitude of eager expectation when we pray. We all want to give God the answer to our prayers the way we would like Him to answer them. Instead we must trust that He knows what is best. Our role in prayer is to accept the best from God. He never gives anything less.

4. Read Jeremiah 29:11–13. (NIV) Fill in the blanks:

For I know the _________ I have for you, declare the Lord, “plans to ______________ you and not to harm you, plans to give you a __________ and a ________________.
Then you will _________ upon Me and come and __________ to Me, and I will _________________ to you. You will ____________ Me and _____________ Me when you _____________ Me with all your heart.”

From this passage we find that God does have a plan for us. He is not making things up as He goes along. Because of the plan that He has for each one of us, there is a future for us as well. Our future includes the Hope ~ Jesus the Holy One. It is because of Him that we have a hope and a future.

God does have a plan for us. The only way we can access this plan is by seeking Him in our daily lives. When we come under submission to His will and authority, He gives us what we need, when we need it. This is vital to living our lives under Christ’s authority.  When we seek Him we must seek Him with all of our hearts. It is then and only then we shall find Him.

God is not hiding, but we do have to turn towards Him and submit to Him and not to ourselves (or the world) in order to find Him. God remains the same. He never changes. Look to Him as your One True Hope.

5. Read Isaiah 55:10-11. Answer the following:

What does God compare His Word to?

What does God’s Word accomplish?

God does have a plan and a purpose for you and me. The words He speaks to us, as we sit at His feet in prayer, are words that are full of life and hope. His words never go out without accomplishing something. When God speaks, His words accomplish and achieve the purpose for which He intended. This is our hope, to hear God speak and understand that His Word never comes back to Him with nothing accomplished.

Prayer Time
Go to your Prayer Journal and write out a prayer that speaks of God’s greatness. Tell Him what you believe to be your hope. If you are eagerly awaiting the hope He has planned for you, then write this out. If you don’t have any hope, tell Him about it. Then wait on Him in the hope that He gives.

Discussion Questions
1. Our prayer life should involve great expectation. God has great things in store for us on this earth and even greater, infinitely greater things are in store for us in Eternity. How do you view having hope in Christ? Explain.

2. Every good and perfect gift comes from God. No matter what His answer, we can trust that He has given us His best. Do you believe that God has only good and perfect gifts for you? Why or why not.

3. God does have a plan for us. The only way we can access this plan is by seeking Him in our daily lives. When we come under submission to His will and authority, He gives us what we need, when we need it. What do you feel about accepting all that God has for you whether you think it is what you want and not?

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