Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fellowship of Thanksgiving

Today’s lesson will focus on our fellowship with Jesus Christ. This fellowship is the basis for all we are as believers in Him. And yet we neglect this portion of our thanksgiving so often. Can you picture yourself at a party given in your honor by a dear friend? All around you are the things you love and enjoy in life. You enjoy the punch and cake (for me in would be coffee and key lime pie) and talk with all your friends and family. Laughter fills the room. You fellowship or interact with everyone and forget the dear friend who threw the party for you. You never get around to enjoying their company and forget to thank them for this great celebration they have prepared for you. Does this story sound ridiculous? Yet, this is what we do to Jesus. We forget to talk to Him and thank Him for all He has done for us.

1. Read 1 Corinthians 1:4-9. (NIV) Write out verse nine and circle the words “called,” “fellowship” and “faithful.”

The Holy God, Creator of the universe, has called you and me into fellowship with His most precious Son Jesus. We are called into this relationship by God who is faithful. In other words, God has invited us into a relationship with God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit. This is a relationship like none other because it involves the “Three-in-One” ~ who are called Faithful and True. God expects us to participate faithfully as well.

The Invitation
Let’s look at the first word I asked you to circle in 1 Corinthians 1:9. The Greek word for “called” is “kaleio” and “means to call, summon or appoint; to name; to invite.”

We are going to draw our attention to the word “invite.” Our invitation, sent by God, is a divine invitation to salvation and eternal life with Him.

2. Read Hebrews 3:1. What are we as believers to share in?

What are we to focus on?

Whoa! Our invitation to participate in a relationship with Jesus is a heavenly calling. So often I forget the magnitude of this invitation. I become presumptive of it and ride rough shod over it, neglecting this holy calling. God sent His only Son to this earth to invite us into fellowship with Him. Now that’s some invitation.

3. Read 2 Timothy 1:8-10. Focus on verse 9. What has God called us to? Why?

There is a plan and a purpose for everyone based on the grace of God.  He has sent us an invitation brought to us by the Holy Spirit. He did not send out the invitation just for the fun of it. He issued His call to us specifically to line up with His purpose of grace. The rest is up to us. The question is: Do we accept His invitation to fellowship with Him?

4. Read Romans 8:28. Write out this verse:

We are called (invited) according to His purpose. God, in His great wisdom, has called us for His divine purpose. He invites us into a relationship with Him. This relationship is one in which the Triune God ~ God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit already participate in together. It is full of perfect love and joy. It is delightful and God wants us to join in.

Fellowship with the King
5. Turn to Acts 2:42-47. These six verses talk about our fellowship as believers. This is how we are called to participate with Christ and His body (other believers). We will go verse by verse to help define what we are called into fellowship for:

Verse 42- What four things did this group of believers devote themselves to?
1. ______________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

Verse 43- Because of their devotion, everyone was filled with awe. They were participating in this holy relationship with King Jesus. What did they witness?

Verse 44- When believers are in fellowship with Jesus and with each other what is the result?

Verse 45- What is the action taking place in this verse?

Verse 46- What did the believers do in this verse?

Verse 47- The result of their fellowship as believers was exhibited in two ways. What are they? 


In the second half of this verse, God shows His favor by doing what?

These few verses describe a party that is going on. Believers are called to participate in a right relationship with God and others.  We are to study God’s Word, meet together regularly, be nourished and join in prayer together as well as individually. “Self” is not priority. A giving of ourselves is required so that by our gifts we help provide, through the power of the Holy Spirit, for the needs of others. We are provided for as well. All are provided for. This is unity. By this we will see God’s hand move.

By participating in a right relationship with Christ, we speak to Him in our prayers and enjoy His favor. The results of our relationship, our active participation, will result in God’s blessing. More and more people will come into relationship with God by giving control of their lives to Jesus. Our thanksgiving should reflect this in our prayers and praise to our God.

We have learned that God has invited us into a relationship with Him. He offers us His fellowship, which is our inclusion into the holy relationship of ~ God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit. God is faithful forever and ever. Best of all, He gave us His most precious Son Jesus to make this fellowship possible. And Jesus is coming again!!

Prayer Time
Go to your Prayer Journal and take this time to thank Him for His faithfulness. Spend some time enjoying the fellowship of God. Let Him talk too. Be still and know that He is God.

“I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, 
whose rider is called Faithful and True.” Revelation 19:11a

Enjoy the fellowship of the Mighty One.
He loves you infinitely. Love Him too.

Discussion Questions
1. The Holy God, Creator of the universe, has called you and me into fellowship with His most precious Son Jesus. God expects us to participate faithfully as well. How are you doing in your time spent in fellowship with Him? Describe.

2. Believers are called to participate in a right relationship with God and others Followers of Christ Jesus. How do you or don’t you participate in fellowship with other believers? Explain.

3. When we enter into fellowship with Jesus, we will see Him faithful in all things. How have you experienced the evidence of God’s faithfulness? If you haven’t, why don’t you think this is so?

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