Monday, January 7, 2013

“The Object of Our Desire”

Have you ever longed to spend time with someone? This person makes you feel special and loved. They laugh at your jokes and comfort you when you are down. I feel this way about my husband. I desire to have this relationship with him. In fact, God created everyone for relationship. I’m not just referring to a husband/wife relationship, but relationship with one another and but especially with God.

Our relationship with God is the basis for relationships here on earth. And yet we often neglect our relationship with God. When we spend time with God we express our desire for Him. Our spirits long for a relationship with Him. It is essential to our spiritual well-being to have our spirits mingle with His Holy Spirit.  Our “inmost being” desires to have a relationship with the Lord because God created us with this desire. This desire often gets buried under our fleshly desires; desires that stem from our self-centered, “me first”, mindset.

Read Genesis 1:26 & 27. In verse 26a, what does God say?

Write verse 27 here:

In verses 26 & 27 the word used for “God” in Hebrew is “Elohiym.” This word is plural, but is singular in construction. It describes “the magnitude and majesty of the Triune God ~ God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit.” God said, “Let us make man (mankind) in our own image, in our likeness…”  This indicates the plural. The Trinity decided to create people in their image. This means that we are created to have relationship with God and one another, just as the Trinity has among the Three in One. We are created to desire what God desires. We are created to reflect His majesty on earth. We are created to have a relationship with Him.

Read Genesis 2:7. The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils. What did God breathe into man?

What did man become? 

God didn’t just perform CPR on man; He placed His life into Him. He breathed His eternal breath into him.

God’s breath is eternal.
Let’s look at these two phrases we glean from Genesis 1 & 2:
    1. The Breath of Life
    2. God is a Living Being

The Breath of Life
The Hebrew Word for “breath” is “nesamah” Which literally means “to breathe, or a puff of air. It is used here to represent the Spirit of God who imparts life and wisdom.”

The Hebrew word for “life” is “hay” and means “fresh running water; livelihood, refreshment; to remain alive, sustain life, live prosperously, live forever, and be vigorous.”

God breathed His Spirit into man, giving him a life that is like fresh water, full of livelihood and refreshment. His Spirit sustains life; causes prosperity, vitality and eternity. This is what God intended for mankind.

Read Isaiah 32:1 & 2. This portion of scripture describes what the kingdom of righteousness is. In verse 2 we see a description of what God intends for mankind. What are we created to be like?
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God’s purpose in creating mankind is for us to have a relationship with Him. By having this right relationship with Him, we take on His attributes. We plainly see these attributes in Jesus. And as His followers we embody who Jesus is. It is our responsibility to display them in our everyday life and in our prayer life as well. 

We are to display the characteristics of Christ  ~ A Shelter ~ A Refuge ~ A Stream of Water ~ A Great Rock and worship Him,  the object of our desire. These attributes are exhibited perfectly in God the Son ~ Jesus. He is the object of our desire. He is the Breath of Life and the reason for our praise.

God is a Living Being
We’ve already learned that the Hebrew word for “life” is “hay.” “Living” is the same word and means “alive.” Now stick with me here. The Hebrew word for “being” is “nepes” and means, “that which breathes.”  It is similar to the Greek word “psyche” which is translated “life” or “soul.” You see, God breathed His life, which is eternal, into Mankind, making us “living beings” or “living souls,” eternal in nature, created in the image of God. God created our “inmost being” to be in union or fellowship with Him.

Read the following passages and answer the following:

Job 12:10. What is in God’s hand?

What does this mean to you?

Job 32:8. What gives a person understanding?

What does this mean to you?

God has created us and we are connected to Him whether we like it or not. He created life and can end life. He gives us the ability to reason and understand which enables us to choose Him or not choose Him. Whatever we choose, our spirits are eternal like His, created in His image and designed for relationship. If we choose Him we have life eternal with Him. If we don’t choose Him we have life eternal without Him. 

This means that when our earthly bodies die, our spirits live on in eternity. Now the thing is ~ what is our choice going to be? Is it going to be life eternal with Him or life eternal without Him? In plain English, our choice is Heaven or Hell.  Heaven is living a vibrant, joy-filled eternal existence in His presence. Hell is living a wretched existence full of living death. It is a pain-filled eternal existence without Him.

You would think we’d make the obvious choice of Heaven and having a relationship with our loving Creator, but many don’t. God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit should be the object of our desire. Our praises of Him and to Him spring forth from the joy and fulfillment we have when our spirits are united with His. He desires our company. He wants to have a relationship with us that will last for all eternity.

While we are on this earth God has a plan and purpose for each and every moment we live. The only way to know it is to seek God. We can all go our own way, but God has His best in mind. This should be reason enough for making Him the object of our desire.

“Make a joyful shout to God, all the earth! Sing out the honor of His name; Make His praise glorious.”
Psalm 66:1 & 2

Prayer Time
Go to your Prayer Journal and take time to allow your spirit to enjoy the object of your desire. Write out your praise of desire for God. If your spirit is not united with His, then why not take this time to do so. It’s your choice either way.

Discussion Questions

Have you ever longed to spend time with someone? This person makes you feel special and loved. They laugh at your jokes and comfort you when you are down. Who is that person for you? Explain. 

A personal relationship with God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit is the most fulfilling there is. How do you view your relationship with God?

God determines the times and places set for us. Why do you think He does this? (Refer to Acts 17:26 & 27)

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