Friday, January 18, 2013

The Enrichment of Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is the expression of joy Godward. Our joy is supplied by God when we place our faith in Him. We do not supply our own joy. The joy we receive by faith, we express in our thanks to God. We receive joy because of the love He has for His Son Jesus. The relationship of the Triune God is one of love and delight. God is happy and full of joy. He celebrates when anyone places their trust in Him through Jesus. It delights Him. We are included in this delight-filled, happy, joyous and perfect love relationship enjoyed by ~ God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit. We are included because of one five-lettered word, “grace.” In our prayers we offer thanksgiving, the expression of our joy Godward, through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Read 1 Corinthians 1:4-9. (NIV) Fill in the blanks.
“I always ____________ God for you because of His ______________ given to you in Christ Jesus. For in Him you have been ____________________ in every way-in all your _________________ and in all your _________________________ because of our _______________________ about Christ was _____________________ in you. Therefore you do not lack any ______________________ ________________ as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. He will keep you _________________ to the end, so that you will be _____________________ on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God, who has called you into _________________________ with His Son Jesus Christ, is faithful.”

In these six verses we see God’s grace, love and faithfulness extended to those who love His Son Jesus. All six fall under the heading of “Grace.” Paul establishes the reason behind His thanksgiving ~ grace. Though Paul is writing to the Corinthian believers, the message transcends time to those who believe in Jesus now and through the generations to come. Every believer receives this grace through Jesus Christ. This is truly a reason for our thanksgiving.

Let’s look at the five benefits under the heading of “Grace Given” These benefits will in turn be the titles of the lessons for each day of this week:

“Grace Given”

Day One“Enrichment of Thanksgiving” (In all speech and knowledge)

Day Two – “Testimony of Thanksgiving” (Confirmation)

Day Three – “Thanksgiving for Spiritual Gifts” (Not lacking)

Day Four – “Thanksgiving for Strength & Blamelessness” (Given until Christ’s return)

Day Five – “The Fellowship of Thanksgiving”(God is Faithful)

Understanding that grace through Jesus Christ is not just a nice word that we hear at church, but is the catalyst that stirs the embers of our faith and gives us reason to thank God through His delight of Jesus. Let’s begin by looking further into God’s grace where we find a treasure given to us by God for our benefit. His grace enriches us as we thank Him in our prayers and daily life.

Enrichment of Thanksgiving
By grace through Jesus, we are enriched in our speech and knowledge. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t realize that when I choose to walk in the grace of Jesus, through faith, I allow Him to control my tongue and my brain. When I say things that are cruel or selfish, I know that I am not walking in grace through faith. God enriches my life through faith, speech and knowledge. On my own I am limited when hard things come my way.

Read 2 Corinthians 8:7. What do we excel in grace through Jesus Christ?

What do you think about giving as part of our thanksgiving before God?

Again, Paul writes about the benefits of grace but adds earnestness, love and giving to the list. In our enriched speech and knowledge, action is required with earnestness, coupled with love, that results in the grace of giving. So often we think of giving back to God separate from our thanksgiving and prayer. It’s a vital part. We want to give our best to the Master in all areas of our lives. 

Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-11. Summarize these verses and apply them to your life. Include how you are doing in your giving as part of your prayer life. How can you improve?

With the power that comes through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, which we receive because of God’ grace, the believer is supplied with all they need for every good work that God asks us to do. The Bible tells us that God scatters His gifts to the poor.

Psalm 112:9 (NLT) They share freely and give generously to those in need. Their good deeds will be remembered forever. They will have influence and honor. 

The Greek word for “poor” is “penes” which means “poor, though able to help oneself through their own labor.”

God supplies what we need to do things for ourselves and others. We don’t just sit back and say, “God will do this for me,” or “God will take care of the needy.” No, God knows we are lacking the means on our own. He supplies the ability and strength so we can do good works for ourselves and others that bring glory to His Name. Giving is an essential part of our communication with God. It is acknowledging that He is the giver of all good gifts.

Read Malachi 3:10. What does this verse say we are to bring to God? Why?

What does the Lord say is the result of this?

You may be asking what tithing (giving the first 10th of all we have) has to do with God supplying us or enriching us for good works. Well, it means everything. Not only do we tithe our money, we tithe ourselves. We offer Him tithes of thanksgiving for all He gives to us. We offer thanksgiving for the benefits of His grace. 

The world doesn’t work that way. It takes and takes, but doesn’t give back or supply any need. In the world we are on our own. The Bible says that His righteousness endures forever. (Psalm 112:3) His actions and His interaction are right with you and me. He gives us what we need to live on this earth and what we need for a right relationship with Him. God enriches all our speech and knowledge with the entirety of who He is. Our thanksgiving is a reflection of His enrichment. 

Prayer Time
Go to your Prayer Journal and take the time to offer up to Him your thanksgiving for the enrichment He gives to you. Ask Him to reveal where you can improve on your giving. If you haven’t been giving back to God tell Him so and ask for His help and direction.

Discussion Questions

1. Thanksgiving is the expression of joy Godward. Our joy is supplied by God when we place our faith in Him. We do not supply our own joy. How do you express your thanksgiving to God in your prayer time and throughout the day?

2. By the grace found in Jesus, we are enriched in all speaking and knowledge. When I say things that are cruel or selfish, I know that I am not walking in grace through faith. God enriches my life through faith, speech and knowledge. Do you allow God to control you speech? Explain.

3. Again, Paul writes about the benefits of grace but adds earnestness, love and giving to the list. We want to give our best to the Master in all areas of our lives. What are your thoughts on giving back to God?

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