Sunday, July 10, 2011

Prayer Study Week One Lesson One

“Recognizing God’s Position”
Who is God? Can you describe Him? Mere words can’t possibly cover the magnitude of the Almighty One. He alone is worthy of our praise, because He alone has the infinite power to do all things. We must learn to recognize His attributes in order to approach Him in the fear and respect that is due Him.
Read a prayer that King David wrote in the Psalms that includes his recognition of God. He truly pours his heart out and tells God what he knows to be true about Him. Turn to Psalm 86 and write out as many attributes of God that you can find:

King David recognized God and His position. He acknowledged the abilities of the Almighty One. The attributes of God that David wrote about found in Psalm 86 are just a tiny fragment of God’s attributes. It is one man’s attempt to recognize the position of the Lord God. It is important that we follow King David’s lead and acknowledge God and His power. He is worthy! He is worthy! He is worthy!
Why do you think it so important for believers to acknowledge the attributes of God?

We are not equal to God. This statement stands in direct opposition to the world’s opinion. The world tells us that we all have the power to direct our lives. It holds that man is “god” and we can tap into the “god” within. This is the world’s way of justifying actions that oppose God.
His Eternal Power
God’s power is without beginning or end. It has always existed. It is the greatness and omnipotence of God.
Read Revelation 15:3b-4. (NIV) Fill in the blanks: 
___________ and ___________________ are Your ___________, Lord God Almighty. ___________and ___________are Your ways, King of the ages. Who will not ____________ You, O Lord and bring glory to Your Name? For You alone are _____________. All nations will come and ________________ before You, for Your righteous acts have been revealed.
From this verse we glean the golden kernels of His truth. We harvest knowledge of His majesty and power. God’s eternal power encompasses:
  1. Great and marvelous deeds
  2. Just and true ways
  3. Holiness
  4. Righteous acts
1. The Great and Marvelous Deeds of God
Read Psalm 111 and describe God’s great and marvelous deeds:
Look again at verse 10. What is the beginning of wisdom?
 What do we have when we follow God’s precepts?
The word “precept” is used in this particular Psalm. The dictionary defines it as “a rule or principle prescribing a particular course of action or conduct.” 
I thought that it was cool the way “prescribe” was used in the definition. The dictionary defines it this way, “to lay down, in writing or otherwise, as a rule or a course of action to be followed.”
When we go to the doctor he/she writes down a course of action on their prescription pad. But, in order to be effective in our lives, we have to fill the prescription. We have to follow what they have directed us to do. Otherwise, it won’t help us and is just another piece of paper.
When we go to prayer and read God’s Word we must put into action the “prescription” He has laid out before us. Applying His precepts to our prayer life and our daily walk with Him in faith draws us closer to Him. He knows the best way, but it is our decision to accept His way over ours.
When we acknowledge God’s deeds as great and marvelous, we spiritually bow to His power. We accept that His power is far superior to any perceived power we think we possess.  This understanding is the fear (respect) that God requires of those who approach Him.

2. Just and True Ways
Read Psalm 145:17-20. (NIV) Fill in the blanks: “The Lord is _________________ in all His ways and ________________ toward all He has made. The Lord is ____________ to all who _____________ on Him, to all who call on Him in ______________. He fulfills the ______________ of those who ___________ Him; He ____________ their cry and _____________ them. The Lord __________________ over all who ____________ Him, but all the ________________ He will destroy.”
God’s just and true ways encompass righteousness. This means that God’s response to mankind is always right. Toward all those who love Him, He shows love. Toward all those who call on Him in truth, He is near. To all those who fear Him, He fulfills their desires, hears their cries and saves them. He watches over all who love Him. But to those who are wicked, those who do not love Him and fear Him, He will destroy. In forsaking God, wicked man will receive the consequences of His wrath.
By following the prescription of God ~ His best ~ for our lives, we will walk with the confidence that God is watching over us. This doesn’t mean we won’t have problems and struggles. It means that God is with us and will work His best for us, in us and through us. As we approach Him in prayer and seek His precepts for our lives we will hear from Him and He will direct us. 
3. The Holiness of God
Read Revelation 16:5. What did the angel say?

 God is called Holy because He is faithful to Himself and to His character. “… You who are and You who were the Holy One…” God is Holy and God was Holy, and may I add, always will be Holy. Because of this truth, we have confidence He will never change.
In our prayer lives we should acknowledge that He is Holy. He is set apart from sin and to approach Him we too must be set apart as holy. We can only do this by the favor we have found in Jesus. 
4. The Righteous Acts of God
Read Romans 6:15-23. Summarize verses 15 & 16:

When we obey God, we are set free from what?
What are we slaves of when we are obedient to God? 
What is the benefit we reap? __________ The payment for sin is what? ___________ The gift of God through Jesus is what? _______________
Obedience to whatever or whoever we choose to be obedient to makes us slaves to the object of our obedience. Our indulgence in sin makes us a slave to it.
Sin + Obedience = Slavery to Sin
What is the payment for slavery to sin? ____________________
Righteousness + Obedience = Slavery to Righteousness
What is the payment for slavery to righteousness? _____________________
God is righteous and Jesus is the physical manifestation of God’s righteousness. God’s righteous acts were exhibited through His Son as He gave Himself up as a payment for our unrighteous acts. We must recognize the righteous acts of God as His eternal power which is without beginning or end. Understanding this moves us closer to the Almighty One. In fact, it places us in the very throne room of the God of all creation. Only in the presence of God is prayer truly powerful and effective. Acknowledging Jesus as God and accepting Jesus as the Leader of our lives gives us entrance and audience with God the Father. God the Son has made the way. God the Holy Spirit unites with our spirits and calls us to a right relationship with God.
His Divine Nature
God exists in the unity of Three. This is a sacred truth that is set in supernatural revelation and is not based on human reason. The Three make up what is known as The Triune God:
God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit
The Trinity is NOT 1+1+1=3 ~ It IS 1x1x1=1
Read 2 Corinthians 13:14. (NIV) Fill in the blanks: “May the ___________ of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the ____________ of God, and the ___________ of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
In this benediction to the Corinthian Church, written by the Apostle Paul, we see an example of the Triune God. Let’s look at what each member of the Trinity offers:
  1. The Grace of the Lord Jesus (God the Son)
  2. The Love of God (God the Father)
  3. The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit (God the Holy Spirit)
God is: Grace ~ Love ~ Fellowship!!!
1. The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
The meaning of “grace” is found in the Greek word “charis.” It derives its name from the root word “chairo,” which means “to rejoice; to cause joy, pleasure and delight in the recipient.” It causes all these things because it describes an action of favor done without expectation of return. Christ’s grace is a reflection of the loving kindness from God the Father.
Read Romans 3:22 & 23.  Who has righteousness?
Where does righteousness come from? 
What does the phrase, “There is no difference” mean?(Hint: The answer is in the next verse) 
 How does grace come into play in verse 23? What do you think this means?

That’s right, we’ve all sinned. There is only one person who has ever lived a sin-free life and that is Jesus. It was the sacrifice of His perfect life for our imperfect lives that made a way for you and me to be made right with God. This is the meaning of grace. Even though He was totally right and mankind was totally wrong, He gave Himself up for us so that we could live. We don’t deserve this kindness. We deserve death. Jesus loves us so much that He was willing to lay Himself down for us. This is powerful! God’s grace is marvelous and free to all who humble themselves and acknowledge that Jesus is Lord. 
2. The Love of God (The Father)
The Greek word for “love” is “agape,” which is “the divine attribute of God that has allowed for the possibility of our relationship with Him.”  In other words, if it weren’t for the love of God, we would have no hope. Praise God for His love which has allowed for our redemption. It is the catalyst that raised Christ from death, giving us victory over death when we fully accept the love of God through His Son, Jesus.
Read John 3:16. Write it out here in your own words and make it personal by adding your name:

3. The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit
The Greek word for “fellowship” is “koinonia,” which literally means “being in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit  to share or participate in the divine nature of God.” In other words, we benefit from the relationship of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We are called by God into fellowship with His Son, who is in fellowship with the Father, and the Holy Spirit envelopes, those who love God, into this holy relationship. 
Read 1 Corinthians 1:9. What has God called us into?

How is God described?
We must recognize who God is in order to effectively communicate with Him through prayer. This recognition is automatic when we submit ourselves to His sovereignty. Let me repeat. God is God and we are not. It is as simple as that.
Prayer Time
Take this time to humble yourself before God.  Go to your Prayer Journal and write out a prayer recognizing who you believe God is. Allow Him to reveal Himself to you. Enjoy being in the presence of the Trinity ~ God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit.
“Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up.”James 4:10

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