Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Book of James Week Six Lesson Three

“Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray. Are any of you happy? You should sing praises. Are any of you sick? You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over you, anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord. Such a prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make you well. And if you have committed any sins, you will be forgiven.” James 5:13-15
I love to sing. When I was a little girl, I used to lie on the sofa with a hymnal in my hands and sing song after song until my voice would give out. Some of my favorites were, “Praise Him, praise Him, Jesus our blessed Redeemer...,” or “He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today...,” or “There’s within my heart a melody, Jesus whispers sweet and low...” I didn’t fully understand each word, but I felt an overwhelming joy as I sang. Even to this day, I like to sit at the piano and play old hymns and an unspeakable joy floods me. I love to sing new praise songs we sing nowadays at Church too. Standing up and sing praises as our music team leads us, moves me and fills me with joy and gratitude for my Lord.
Read James 5:13. What should we do when we are in trouble?
What should we do when we are happy?
Singing is a form of prayer for me. It pleases God when we sing. It breaks down walls of frustration and pain as we allow the words to pour over us like a healing balm. Sometimes, when we don’t know what to say, songs can help bridge the gap as the Holy Spirit helps us respond to God and humble ourselves before Him.
Of course you would think we would pray when we are in trouble wouldn’t you? So many times we sit on our worries and don’t tell to them to Jesus. He tells us to pray. He desires to fill our needs. When we finally come to Him, He fills us with His joy and presence.
Throughout the Bible we read about different people who offered up praise to God as part of their prayers. Read the following passages and describe who gave the praise  and what they were praising God about:
Exodus 15:1-2

Psalm 13:5-6

Acts 16:25

Colossians 3:16

Moses sang praises to God for bringing the Israelites to safety. They were caught between trouble and more trouble. But, God in His power made a way through the troubled water and brought His chosen people safely to the other side. He even destroyed their enemy.
We too must trust God has made a way when we seem to be caught between troubles. It is by faith in His mighty strength we get safely across. Praise is a natural response to God and is part of prayer.
Look at Paul and Silas. Even though they were in  prison they sang out their praises to God. The other prisoners and guards heard them and were blessed by this praise. You too may be in a prison whether literally, mentally, physically, or spiritually. Look up and sing praise to the One who loves you most and knows you best. It is the key to opening up the prison doors to let healing in.
Read James 5:14. What is the question James asks in this verse?

James answers his own question. What is it?

What two things are the Elders of the Church to do? 

The prayer of faith is the communication of our beliefs about God through belief in His Son Jesus. In prayer we confirm we believe Jesus and seek Him as the source for the answers we need. Sometimes His answers are not what we want or expect. 
James tells us in faith we are to pray and then go to the Elders of the Church. Today, many churches have redefined the role of Elder to be only administrative only. It’s a shame they don’t spend more time praying for the sick. Most folks wouldn’t even think about going to the Elders of the Church. 
There were two things the Elders of the Church of James’ day did. First, they prayed over the sick and then they would anoint them. To understand why this order was taken, we need to understand the history and tradition of the Jewish people and the early church. 
When a person was ill, they would go to the Rabbi instead of a doctor like we would today. The Rabbi would pray for them and anoint the person with oil. 
* Before we get any further, I must state this portion of scripture is not to negate the uses of medicine or doctors. The New Testament Book of Luke was written by a doctor name Luke. God provides doctors and medicine for us.
However, during the time James wrote this letter to the “twelve tribes scattered,” the temple, synagogue or church was the place where people knew they could come for help. The duties of the Elders in the early church included caring for the sick. Oil was a common medicine, as were balm, wine and salve. 
Even today, our churches, the Body of Christ, should be a place where a person can find help, prayer and healing. We are each called to care for one another. We can surely pray for those in need. Each of us, as believers have the responsibility to take care of each other.
Read James 5:15. What makes a sick person well? How?

The prayer of faith will “make well.” Believing God in prayer will “make well” the ailment. What about those prayers that seem to go unanswered? The Apostle Paul wrestled with this question too.
Read 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. What was given to Paul to keep him from getting conceited?
How many times did he plead with the Lord to take it away?
What was the Lord’s response?
What did Paul learn to do? Why?

Our prayers of faith is for God’s power to be revealed through us. For God to glorify Himself in us, we must choose to trust him by being faithful and willing to accept everything He wills in our lives. That may include healing or not being healed. Even though we may not understand why the Lord chooses to heal some and not others, we must trust Him anyway. Our main desire, in the life we have given over to Him, is to honor Him no matter what.
Praise and prayer of the faithful in Jesus is welcomed by our Lord. This is His will for us, to come to Him and enter His presence delighting in the love found there. His will, no matter what we think should happen, is the best. When we are in trouble we have a place to go to others don’t have. Go to Jesus. We must trust God has made a way when we seem to be caught between troubles. It is by faith in His mighty strength we get safely across.

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