Monday, July 4, 2011

The Book of James Week Six Lesson One

“Who Cares?”
“For examples of patience in suffering, dear brothers and sisters, look at the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. We give great honor to those who endure under suffering. For instance, you know about Job, a man of great endurance. You can see how the Lord was kind to him at the end, for the Lord is full of tenderness and mercy.”
 James 5:10-11
We all have gone through difficult times when we wonder if anyone cares. James gives us examples of others who have suffered greatly and persevered. Their lives show who really cares.
Read James 5:10-11. What two examples does James use in our passage today?
  1. _________________________
  2. _________________________
James addresses the subject of perseverance (endurance), in our passage for today. This is the second chapter where we find him teaching about it. He places so much emphasis on perseverance that it is worth studying again. He asks us to look at the prophets who spoke boldly in the name of the Lord. He also uses Job, the man who lost everything, as another good example. Let’s look at both examples of “those who endure great suffering.”
The Prophets (James 5:10)
James uses the prophets as examples of “those who endure great suffering.” These men spoke boldly in the name of the Lord, preaching what God told them preach without regard for their own well-being. Each refused to stop proclaiming God’s truth. Their words were often offensive and brought them persecution and even death by those who opposed them. They suffered patiently for the cause of God’s truth.
Read Matthew 5:10-12. What did Jesus say about those who are persecuted for righteousness?

The prophets represent patience in suffering for faith. Jesus taught us when we boldly stand up, even through the persecution of our belief in Him, we will be blessed eternally. We will receive great reward when we see Jesus after this life and even before then. He wants us to know the reason we have to rejoice and be glad when people persecute us. Jesus warns us persecution will happen but He will punish those who persecute His people and reward those who are faithful to Him. If we are persecuted for our faith then we are going in the right direction because satan will try to stop us. We are a threat as followers of Jesus.
Read Isaiah 51:7-8. What does God tell those who know what is right and have His law in their hearts?
What example does He use to represent what will happen to those who persecute His children?
What will last last forever and through all generations?

God rewards those who continue doing what is right in God’s sight and keep His Word engrained on their hearts and minds. He promises that those who oppose Him and His people will be destroyed eventually. His righteousness (right relationship) will last forever and His salvation through all the generations of mankind on this earth. I
It is imperative we remember God’s promises and continue to live our lives in obedience to Him and His Word. Even though we may be persecuted for our beliefs, we must trust He will punish those who persecute His people. 
Read 1 Peter 3:15-16. Who are we to set apart on our hearts?
What does that mean to you?

What are we to alway be prepared to do? Why?

How are we supposed to do it? Why?

What does Peter say is better?

We will suffer for doing what is right in God’s eyes. It’s a fact of life for those who believe in Jesus and follow Him as Lord. Each of us should be ready to give the reason for why we believe what we believe. But, we must do it without arguing and be gentle in our response. Jesus, Himself, lived this way. He is our perfect example.
Sometimes it seems easier to just live as if we don’t believe by hiding our faith. Have you ever been in the position where you have remained silent about your beliefs around others just to avoid confrontation or persecution? I know I have. Peter teaches us to be bold about our faith. It is better to suffer for God’s good than doing evil.
Job (James 5:11)
James uses Job as an example of perseverance in suffering physically, mentally and spiritually. Poor Job suffered so severely, few can actually relate to the extent of it. He never stopped believing in God through it all.
Read Job 1:13-22. What happened to Job?

How did Job respond?

In verse 21 we find what Job said. Write it out here.

Why did God not see Job saying these things as sin?

Job, in all the calamity and pain, acknowledged God’s sovereignty and goodness. He didn’t curse God even though he was in extreme pain and suffering. He hurt, but he didn’t lose faith. His pain didn’t cease for a long time, but he never forgot that God was still God.
Read Job 38-41. (This may take some time) We read about God’s response to Job. He asks Job seventy questions. Write out the first ten questions God asks and replace Job’s name with your own. 










The questions God asked Job, He asks of you and me. God taught Job, and is teaching us, He is in control and has the power to do all things. He is the source for filling each need and we really have no control over what happens to us. The only true choice we have is either to bow to His sovereignty or walk through this life on our own limited power. 
Read Job 42:1-6. Fill in the blanks:
Job acknowledges to God:
  • God can _______ all things.
  • God’s plans cannot be _______________.
  • Job spoke of things he did not _______________.
  • Job listened to God, God _____________ Him.
  • Job ___________________.
After Job heard from God, he bowed in acknowledgement of God’s sovereignty. Job is at the lowest of lows. He had no where else to look for answers for his suffering except to God. By acknowledging his weaknesses and God’s strength, he bows in humility and repents.
We can question God. We can cry our to Him with all our emotions. He’s big enough to handle it. As long as we acknowledge who God truly is and the power He really has, we can pour out all we are going through to Him. God cares so much for us. Persevering is acknowledging God as God. It is true submission to Him when we turn our troubles and needs over to Him, relying on Him for strength. 
No one care like our Lord. God sent His Son Jesus to show us how much He cares and loves us. So, when you are going through something so tough you don’t know which way to go, look up because Jesus cares. He cared so much He gave His life for us to have a relationship with God. He removed the barrier between us and God. Who cares? Jesus cares. So, with this truth, let us humble ourselves before Him and acknowledge Him as Lord.

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