Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Book of James Week Six Lesson Two

“Promises, Promises”
“But most of all, my brothers and sisters, never take an oath, by heaven or earth or anything else. Just say a simple yes or no, so that you will not sin and be condemned.” 
 James 5:12
We’ve all made promises and broken them. It’s so easy to say, “I promise...” Why is it so hard to keep the promises we make? The people of James’ era were no different than we are. 
Read James 5:12a. What we not to swear by? Why?

I never really fully understood what this passage meant until I wrote this study on James. Apparently, the Pharisees at the time had different levels of oaths. They believed an oath was only binding if God’s name was used in it. If they made an oath by using anything other than God’s name, it wasn’t truly binding. So, they got away with breaking a promise by saying things like, “I swear by heaven....or I swear on my the earth...” 
Read Matthew 5:33-37. What did Jesus say about taking an oath? (making a promise)

What four examples did Jesus use for making oaths and how did He clarify taking an oath?
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Jesus addressed the Pharisees about their perverted way they were taking oaths. The Lord shone light on their lies and loop-holes. He taught that taking oaths by anything was the same as using the name of God. 
Remember when you were a kid and crossed your fingers behind your back? This meant you didn’t have to keep your promise? Too bad for the kid who believed you. It was a loop-hole to keeping a promise. Similarly, the Pharisees kept their fingers crossed behind their backs so to speak and Jesus called them out on it.
Read Numbers 30:2. What types of pledges are mentioned?
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    What must a person NOT do?
    What must a person DO?
    The Hebrew words for “makes a vow” is “nadar” and “neder,” which means, “to verbally consecrate something to the Lord.”
    The Hebrew words for “takes an oath” is “saba” and “sebuah,” and means, “the giving of one’s word to faithfully perform a promised deed.”
    If we offer a pledge to God, what has the pledge become?

    To make a pledge, what do we offer? What do we place on the line?

    Making promises, whether we use His name or not, is serious business to God and should be to us. As believers, our word reflects back onto our Lord. We must always bring glory to God and not compromise His name. 
    By swearing to God or anything else, we are asking Him to stand as witness to the pledge or transaction we are making. Do we realize who we are calling on to witness our promises? We are calling on God Almighty, the Holy One, to be witness of our promise. So when we swear flippantly, we are misusing the name of God. We are not bringing glory and honor to His name.
    Read James 5:12b. We read James echo the Lord’s words, what are they? Why do you think he stresses this?

    Below is an excerpt from the IVP Bible Commentary:
    James has been saying, "Be patient in your suffering. Remember the Lord is coming. Remember the example of the prophets. Remember the perseverance of Job. Remember the Lord's full compassion and mercy." Now he says, "Above all, don't fall into swearing, as if you could manipulate God by your oaths. Instead, speak honestly and directly, and rely on God in prayer."
    When we rely fully on God, then we must keep our promises. Manipulation is out. Fully trusting in God and remaining obedient to Him is in. How simple is that? We don’t need to explain ourselves. We don’t have to say “yes” when we mean “no” just because we don’t want to say “no.” God will take care of the rest if we are obedient to Him in all things and remain honest to God, others and ourselves.
    Our promises, our oaths, our actions, should always be well thought out and especially we must seek God for His will before we do or promise anything. It’s ok to take time to find out what His will is. However, don’t use praying about it as an excuse when you know you will say “no.” Really pray about it. Mean what you say. Say what you mean. 
    Let your “yes” be “yes” and your “no” be “no.” Bring glory to God in your actions and your words. No more manipulation. No more loopholes. Rely on Jesus as you live out your life for Him.

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