Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Book of Acts ~ Study Six

"Words to Speak"

Acts 2:1-4 (NLT) When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

Pentecost, what does that mean to you? Do you understand the significance of it? The Bible tells of the three main feasts (celebrations) that each Hebrew was expected to attend in Jerusalem. The First was Passover (Pesach), remembering how God had freed the Israelites from death and from their slavery to Egypt. Jesus was crucified and resurrected over the Passover week. Do you see them parallel? He freed mankind from the grips of death and from the slavery to sin. The second, was Pentecost (Shavuot) and the third was Sukkot (Tabernacles)

Exodus 12:21 (NLT) Moses assembled all the elders of Israel. He said, "Select a lamb for your families and slaughter the Passover lamb. 

John 1:29 (NLT) The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!

Now, it was Pentecost (Shavuot), 50 days after Passover. The faithful gathered on the Temple Mount to worship and to celebrate. It is here that the disciples and followers of Jesus met. Most folks think they were still in the upper room but because they were Jews they would be at the required festival of Pentecost located on the Temple Mount. Here thousands of people were present from many nations. Many languages were spoken. 

Biblical scholars think the followers of Jesus met on the great Southern Steps of the Temple Mount or in the massive outdoor malls that Herod built. The importance of where they were is that many people were around to witness this great event. 

"As the offerings were presented and the sacrifices were made, portions of the Bible were read. According to Jewish history, those portions were Exodus 19:20 (the story of God's presentation of the Torah,including the Ten Commandments, to Moses on Mount Sinai) and Ezekiel 1:2 (Ezekiel's vision of God appearing in fire and wind). The fact that these activities occurred around 9:00 in the morning had great significance for the celebration the year Jesus died and was raised." (See Follow the Rabbi.) 

Now that we have a little history behind this time and celebration (and there is tons more), we can almost see where the followers of Jesus were when the Holy Spirit descended and entered those who believe in Jesus.  Here's a replica of the steps to the Temple: Jesus taught here many times. So it would be logical His followers would meet here on Pentecost after the morning sacrifices. 

God appeared to  Moses and Ezekiel in fire and wind. Now He was appearing in the same way but the difference is that the presence of God alighted on each believer and remained. His Spirit didn't just rest on them, it entered into them. It now enabled each believer to speak in many languages so that the people celebrating Pentecost could understand the Gospel in their native tongue.

God hasn't changed the rules about the indwelling of His Holy Spirit. We are still capable to share the good news of our Savior Jesus. He places us all in areas where we can touch lives we encounter. Why do we ever doubt that He will enable us? Just like Moses who claimed he couldn't speak and was provided with a speaker (his brother Aaron) we too are provided with a speaker, the Holy Spirit of God.

We will continue on with this amazing story, true in every aspect, in our next study. Now by faith go out and use your gift to bring others to Him.

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