Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Book of Ruth ~ Devotion Twenty-One

"The Blessing of Acceptance"

Boaz had done what he had said he would do. He obtained the right to be Ruth's kinsman-redeemer. He did it right in the eyes of God and mankind. Ruth patiently waited for Boaz' return and what a return it was! 

Listen to what the ten elders who were witnesses to this transaction said:
Ruth 4:11-12 (NCV)  So all the people and elders who were at the city gate said, "We are witnesses. May the Lord make this woman, who is coming into your home, like Rachel and Leah, who had many children and built up the people of Israel. May you become powerful in the district of Ephrathah and famous in Bethlehem. As Tamar gave birth to Judah's son Perez, may the Lord give you many children through Ruth. May your family be great like his."

First, they blessed Ruth. She was a Moabitess and they were welcoming her into the family of Israelites. She gained acceptance and received an awesome blessing from them. They equated her with Rachel and Leah who were married to Jacob and helped establish, through their children, the nation of Israel.

Second, they blessed Boaz. The blessing of Ruth was indeed his blessing as well. They prayed a blessing over him that he would be powerful and famous. Little did they know that little Bethlehem would have the greatest blessing born there. (More on that later!)

Today I want to focus on the acceptance that Ruth was granted when she became part of the Chosen Ones ~ Israel. I'm sure she longed to be accepted somewhere. She had given up everything to follow Naomi. More than likely she never saw her family in Moab again. And now here the elders of Bethlehem were accepting her.

We all long for acceptance. The world is a lonely place and its important that we all feel wanted and needed. Do you have a place that you feel at home and loved? Are you feeling lonely even in the midst of many people? How do you fit into your world? God wants you to know that He wants you and loves you!

Ecclesiastes 4:11-12 (MSG) Two in a bed warm each other. Alone, you shiver all night. 
By yourself you're unprotected. With a friend you can face the worst. Can you round up a third? A three-stranded rope isn't easily snapped.

When we are included into the relationship of believers we are not alone. What makes us strong is that Jesus is the cord that holds us all together and gives us strength. Without acceptance we cannot be included into this strand of three. Without our desire to be included we continue to stand alone.

Do you tend to exclude yourself from the companionship of believers? Do you think that avoiding church or close friendships will keep your from hurting? I know that I tend to do this. I've been hurt by church and I've hurt others in the church. I'm learning that I will be hurt but I cannot stand behind the walls of my house and function as a true believer. I've also learned that I must not intentionally hurt others for my benefit.

1 John 1:6-7 (NIV) If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.

The Greek word for "fellowship" is "koinonia" which means "fellowship, participation." Are you participating in your faith? Do you have time for other Christians? Are you scared that you will be hurt? This is when the third cord comes into play. This cord is Jesus. He unifies believers. He sets records straight. Even though we may hurt one another, He knows the truth and rewards it. He gives us loyal and trustworthy friendships within the body of believers.

Philippians 2:1-4 (NIVRV) Are you cheerful because you belong to Christ? Does his love comfort you? Is the Holy Spirit your companion? Has Christ been gentle and loving toward you? Then make my joy complete by agreeing with each other. Have the same love. Be one in spirit and purpose.
     Don't do anything only to get ahead. Don't do it because you are proud. Instead, be free of pride. Think of others as better than yourselves.
     None of you should look out just for your own good. You should also look out for the good of others.

How do you respond to others? Are you kind and forgiving? Are you accepting? We are called to be unified as believers. We must forgive and move on. This is so important to our faith in Christ.

Look at how faithful Ruth was. She accepted the customs of the Israelites. But most importantly she accepted the God of the Israelites ~ the One True God. She was willing to lay her old life down and take up this new life as a Hebrew. Through her acceptance of and into the Chosen Ones, she was blessed and blessed beyond her wildest imagination.

Ephesians 4:32 (MSG) Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you.

There is blessing in acceptance. We are accepted by our Savior. We are accepted into the body of believers. We must be accepting of others in Christ Jesus. I'll leave you with these words from the Apostle Paul: 

Ephesians 4:1-3 (MSG) In light of all this, here's what I want you to do. While I'm locked up here, a prisoner for the Master, I want you to get out there and walk—better yet, run!—on the road God called you to travel. I don't want any of you sitting around on your hands. I don't want anyone strolling off, down some path that goes nowhere. And mark that you do this with humility and discipline—not in fits and starts, but steadily, pouring yourselves out for each other in acts of love, alert at noticing differences and quick at mending fences.

"Run!—on the road God called you to travel."

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