1. Take time to read the Mark 2:1-12. What city does this story take place? Where was Jesus? What was the atmosphere?
Jesus had just returned from the desert after being tempted by Satan for forty days and nights. As soon as He was back His ministry exploded. People came to Him to be healed and to listen to His teachings. So many people wanted to be near Him and be healed. When they came to Him they found He was offering so much more than physical healing.
2. Read verse 2 again. We read the room where Jesus was teaching, located in Simon Peter’s home in Capernaum, was packed. People crowded around the doorway even hoping to catch a glimpse of Jesus. What if you were one of the people in need and couldn’t get to Him for healing. Describe how you would feel? What if you were paralyzed and had no way of getting to Him?
The room was crowded and people pressed in on all sides to jostling to be where Jesus was. The desperation to be touched and healed by Rabbi Jesus made the room pulse. It was probably hot and stuffy in this little Capernaum house. The needs of people very evident. They needed Jesus.
Desperation itself causes internal pressure to us much like the atmosphere in Peter’s home. In our desperation we can sometimes press toward anything that may relieve the pain we are experiencing. If we seek Jesus we go to the right place. Oftentimes we look for relief from the wrong places. The people in Capernaum that day, were pressing in on the right source for relief of their anxieties. They may not have realized all Jesus offered them, but they were in the right place.
3. What are some places, other than going to Jesus, you often go to when you are desperate or in need?
As Jesus was teaching about God’s Word, a commotion was taking place. Up on the flat roof of this little house four men were pealing back the thatched roof to lower a paralyzed man down to the room where Jesus was. Who was this man and who were these men who took the time and effort to bring him to Jesus? We don’t know who they were or why they helped him, but they were part of the healing Jesus was about to do. (See verse 4)
4. Read Verse 5. What did Jesus see in these men? What did He say to the man?
What was Jesus doing?
They didn’t bring the man to be forgiven but to be healed.
What was Jesus thinking?
Didn’t He see the obvious need of the man laying on the mat?
“It’s obvious, of course, that he didn’t go to all this trouble for angels.
It was for people like us, children of Abraham.
That’s why he had to enter into every detail of human life.
Then, when he came before God as high priest to get rid of the people’s sins,
he would have already experienced it all himself—all the pain, all the testing—
and would be able to help where help was needed.” Hebrews 2:16-18
5. Read Verses 6-8. What were the Scribes, (religious scholars) thinking? Why were they calling Jesus a blasphemer? Note: Blasphemy means irreverence, sacrilege, cursing?
There were religious teachers in the room with Jesus. I’m sure they had no trouble getting in the front door because of their status. Everything was going great until Jesus said, “Son your sins are forgiven.” They didn’t say it out loud, but they were condemning Jesus in their hearts. They didn’t see Jesus as who He really was ~ God. And they didn’t see the real need of this man, (really all people for that matter), as needing forgiveness of sins.
“Come and listen, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what he did for me. For I cried out to him for help, praising him as I spoke. If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer. Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw his unfailing love from me.” Psalm 66:16-20 (NLT)
Jesus knew the greatest need for this man was forgiveness of sins. Even if the man didn’t get physical healing that day, he had the greatest gift of all ~ forgiveness and being made right with God. Jesus came to make us right with God. Sin had separated us from Him. It didn’t stop His love for us, rather God sent Love to us in the form of a man who was God ~ Jesus. The religious leaders didn’t see this. No one did. No one but Jesus.
7. Read Verse 9. What did Jesus ask the religious leaders? Put yourself in their shoes and answer the question as they may have. (There’s no right or wrong answer.)
Read Verses 10-12. How did Jesus show the religious leaders He had authority to forgive sins?
Pure amazement! What would it have been like to hear Jesus say, “Your sins are forgiven” and “I say to you, pick up your mat and walk.” I get goosebumps thinking about it. He silenced His critics, forgave a man’s sins and healed his paralyzed body. Jesus fulfilled his greatest need. He does the same for all who come to Him. Our greatest need is forgiveness of our sins so we can have a restored relationship with God.
8. What do you think being a follower of Jesus offers that other religions of this world offer?
“There is one great benefit that the Christian gospel offers that transcends all other benefits and leads to all other benefits. It is a benefit frankly that corresponds directly to man's greatest need, and that is where Christianity marks itself out from all other religions on the planet. It alone addresses man's greatest need. There are religions that offer ethics and morality, and social responsibility, and family values, and a measure of love and peace, somewhat a measure of fulfillment, satisfaction, maybe even a certain measure of happiness.
But what is man's greatest need? The greatest need of man simply put is to escape the wrath of God poured out on sinners eternally in hell. Only Christianity, only the Christian gospel offers the benefit that meets that need. Only through the Christian gospel can anyone escape the wrath of God poured out on sinners eternally in hell.” ~ John MacArthur
Jesus saw our greatest need because He came down from His throne in heaven to provide for just that. He came to forgive us our sins. The physical healing was secondary. For many, many years, since the first sin in the garden, we’ve been in need of forgiveness. Millions of animals were sacrificed to cover our sins temporarily so God could tolerate us. He knew there had to be a complete remedy for this chasm between God and people so He sent it through His Son Jesus. Jesus bridges the gap between us and God.
9. Read John 3:17. What did Jesus come to the world to do?
Our greatest need is to be forgiven from our sins so we can be reconciled to God. Jesus knew this when the man was lowered before Him through a hole in the roof. Four faithful men brought their friend to Jesus for healing. Because of the faith Jesus saw in these friends, He was moved to give the paralyzed man what he truly needed ~ forgiveness. Then He healed his physical needs.
I once heard a description about the difference between other religions and Christianity. Religion is man seeking to find a way to God. It’s like hiking up a mountain to find Him. Christianity is God coming down to man as a human. It’s like God hiking down from the mountain to meet us where we are at and accompanying us to a place of relationship with Him. He does the work. All we have to do is reach out and receive what He has to offer.
Like the paralyzed man on the mat, we are all in need of healing. We may be paralyzed by our needs and not realize we need to be made right with God. Jesus sees all our needs but sees our greatest need and that is forgiveness. You may be desperate right now. God wants to comfort you. He sent His Son to bring you to God.
Spend time in prayer. Ask Jesus to fill your greatest need ~ forgiveness. Ask Him for healing. He is right here with you. Lower yourself before Him and allow His Holy Spirit to surround you and lift you up to Him.
“All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort.”
2 Corinthians 1:3
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