Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Owning Up to What You Really Believe

Do you really know what you believe? I guess I should put it this way; do you believe what you have been taught to believe? Are these beliefs really yours? The things that you were taught as a child will influence your belief system as an adult. As an adult you must examine your faith whatever that is. 
1. Take this time to write out what you learned to believe growing up. 

In whatever way that you were raised, you were raised with a certain belief system. One end of the spectrum would be being raised in a home believing there was no God. The other end of the belief spectrum is that God is real and sent His Son into the world to save people from a relationship without God. Many beliefs are scattered throughout this spectrum. Each of us has been raised in one of these beliefs. Each of us must decide what that is for ourselves. 

This study is based on the belief that God does indeed exist and sent His Son Jesus to make a way for people to have a relationship with Him. So as you study it is my prayer that you will come to know Jesus and accept Him as your Leader and Rescuer if you have not done so already. And if you already have a relationship with Jesus you will seek to know Him better and better. 
2. Read 2 Timothy 1:12. Why was Paul not ashamed? What is he convinced of?

3. Take this time to list things that you are ashamed of as it relates to your beliefs.

4. Now list things that you are not ashamed of as it relates to your beliefs.

 Knowing what your truly believe is essential to your growth as a person. Being honest with yourself and what you are and are not ashamed of as it relates to your belief in God will help you grow into a stronger faith. 
5. What things are you confident of as it relates to your beliefs?

6. What are the things that you are not confident in as it relates to your beliefs?

By asking yourself these questions you are establishing the foundation on which you wish to stand upon as an adult. If you do this I guarantee you that you will be way ahead of many other people who sit in churches every Sunday. 
7. Read the following scriptures from the New Living Translation. List the result/s of building on the foundation of believing in God and His Son Jesus. Psalm 18:2 - The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.

Psalm 40:2- He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire.  He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along. 

Psalm 61:2-3- From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed.
Lead me to the towering rock of safety, for you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me.

Psalm 92:14-15- Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green. They will declare, “The Lord is just! He is my rock! There is no evil in Him!”

Believing that God is real and does love us results in knowing for sure that we are standing on a solid foundation. Not only is our foundation sure but we are provided with His protection. He raises His shield with a power so mighty that it saves us from eternal death. It is a safe place. 
His love lifts us out of the pit of despair that we so often experience. This mud and mire of everyday life weighs us down and can destroy our very lives. But Jesus lifts those He loves and who love Him out of these pits. He places us on solid ground so our steps are steady and sure. 
Jesus can feel the overwhelming in our lives and when we accept Him as our Rescuer He leads us to a place of safety in the strong arms of God. The enemies of this world and the supernatural cannot reach us here. We are safe. 
As we age we don’t slow down or weaken spiritually like our physical bodies do when we place our lives on the foundation of Christ. Our spiritual eyes see that Jesus is just and secure. There is no evil to be found in or around Him. He has defeated all enemies of God. Knowing that He is our sure and secure foundation as we age helps us throughout life. 
Real Life
I walked into her hospital room to change her colostomy bag and bathe her. She was 99 years old. I loved taking care of her because she intrigued me. What was she like when she was my age? At the time I was all of 27 years old. This part of being a registered nurse was the part I adored ~ taking care of those who couldn’t take care of themselves.
As I stood her up on her unsteady legs, walked her to her chair and gently lowered her, I asked, “Are you ready to go home to be with Jesus soon?” She answered, “I hope so but I don’t know if I will get to or not. I tried to live a good life and raise my family in church. But I just don’t know.”
I was so shocked. Someone her age should know where she was going when she died. My words and thoughts revealed my naiveté.  I had just assumed that all “old people” had made their peace with God. So my questions were probed into an area that she was unsure of herself. Her spiritual feet were as unsteady as her 99-year-old ones.
As I bathed her and took care of her needs. I told her that she could be sure of her eternal life and proceeded to tell her about Jesus and that all she had to do was ask Him to be her Savior. It was not too late and she could know for sure.
She looked up at me and I saw a child’s eyes dance in the face of an old woman. I could see hope and excitement like I had never experienced before. She believed Jesus and I know she rests with Him now.  
I wonder what her life had been like if she had known about the safety found in Jesus when she was my age. For 99 years she wondered whether she was good enough to go to heaven after she died. At 99 she chose to build the rest of her life on the solid foundation of Jesus. 
It wasn’t long before she stepped into eternity with Him. Can you even image what that was like for her. She is walking strong in eternity with the One who had always loved her beyond her imagination.

Your Turn
Jesus gives us the vitality spiritually as we live and as we approach the end of our lives. Your Turn Take this time to write out your thoughts about your beliefs. Tell God what you think about Him. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you in a special way. Spend this time really searching and praying. God loves it when we do this.

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