Friday, February 8, 2013

Leave Me Alone?

Have you ever heard the song, “Leave Me Alone” sung by Helen Reddy circa 1970’s. (Oops I just dated myself!) The words are easy, “Leave me alone, won't you leave me alone. Please leave me alone now, leave me alone. Leave me alone, please leave me alone, yes leave me......” You get the idea don’t you? Lots of folks who attend church try to get out at the end of every service and get home. They don’t want to have contact with others there. I know because I was that way for a long time. In fact, I have to fight the temptation to leave quickly and not get involved in any relationship with others. It may be fear of rejection, fear of not meeting perceived standards, fear of hurt or just a plain old “leave - me - alone - attitude.” Whatever the reason God teaches through His Word that we are to be in fellowship with other believers because He wants us to mirror the relationship He, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have as the Triune God ~ the Three-in-One.

1. Read Acts 2:42. What did the people devote themselves to as the first “Fellowship of Believers” after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost?

There are four things these new believers listed in this verse. First, “they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching...” 

There is a difference between hearing a sermon and listening to a sermon. Hearing just means the sound waves are going through the mechanism of your ears but not really registering in the conscious brain. Listening means hearing and acting on the content of God’s Truth delivered by the pastor.

The believers of this infant church were “devoted” to the teachings they heard. This meant they stuck close to and lived their lives according to what they had learned at the feet of the apostles.

2. Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17. How is God’s Word (Scripture) described? What is it useful for?

The apostles taught the believers Scripture because it caused them to grow in their faith and become “thoroughly  equipped for every good work” God had planned for them. We too, learn from godly pastors and teachers in church and Bible study so we can be “thoroughly equipped” as well. Our faith grows as we learn more and more about our God.

Second, “they devoted fellowship...” this means they got to know one another and participated together. There is no isolation of any one individual in fellowship. It is important to be in fellowship with other believers in order for growth to occur.

3. Read 1 John 4:7-12. Let’s break this passage down. Summarize each verse:
verse 7 - ____________________________________________________________________
verse 8 - ____________________________________________________________________
verse 9 - ____________________________________________________________________
verse 10 - ___________________________________________________________________
verse 11 - ___________________________________________________________________
verse 12 - ___________________________________________________________________

We learn from this passage, as true followers of Jesus, we are to love one another. How can we love one another if we refuse to have anything to do with other believers. Church isn’t just about listening to a sermon, it is loving others within the Body of Christ (The Church). God gives us the ability to love others from the infinite depths of His love for us shown in the giving of His One and Only Son. If we say we don’t love others we don’t really love as God has shown us. Loving God and loving others makes us complete. Without this we are incomplete. So many of us who lack Christian friendships lack all God has for us.

The third and fourth points of devotion found Acts 2:42 fall under fellowship. The “Breaking of bread” had to do with sharing in communion as we do at church. “Prayer” was done communally as well. Though both can be done on by ourselves, there is power found in doing so with other believers.

4. Read Acts 1:14. What did the disciples do after Christ ascended into heaven (Acts 1:9)? Who was there with them?

It was one long time of prayer together. Can you imagine the atmosphere in this room? If you’ve never experienced this kind of prayer time, I encourage you to do so. We can experience power just like these early believers. Joining other Christians in prayer is daunting to some. Honestly, at times I am scared to be that vulnerable, but each time I do pray like this, I am blessed and feel God’s presence tremendously.

5. Read Matthew 18:19-20. What does Jesus teach in verse 19? What does He say will happen when two or three come together in His Name?

This passage on agreeing in prayer doesn’t mean we will get whatever we want but whatever is in agreement with God’s Will. Notice that Jesus teaches a combination of people coming together in agreement. Christ isn’t teaching isolation but rather community. Yes, we need our time alone in prayer and study, but He emphasizes the importance of being with other believers.

Jesus stressed that whenever two or three come together in His name, He promises to be there with them. This should make us desire community. Granted Jesus walks with us and never leaves us, but being with other Christians can intensify the awareness of His Presence.

6. Read the following passages and describe how “encourage”or “encouragement” is used in each:
Romans 15:5-6 - ____________________________________________________

1 Thessalonians 5:10-11 - ________________________________________________

Hebrews 3:12-14 - ______________________________________________________

How can a person encourage others or receive encouragement if they are isolated? The answer is: it’s not possible. This is another important reason why being in community is so important. We can’t give and receive encouragement alone.

Maybe you’ve been hurt by other Christians and even though you love Jesus you don’t want to have anything to do with being in community. I totally understand. Some of the worst pain I’ve ever experienced has been from other believers. (I know I’ve caused pain to others as well.) The last time I was hurt I didn’t want to open myself up to Christian community again. But, after much prayer, study and godly counsel I have decided to believe what Jesus taught, “Where two or three are gathered together, there I am (He is) ....”

The Great “I AM”  is in the midst of true Christ-like fellowship. He doesn’t like the fighting and arguing, the back-biting and complaining either. He walks among those who are unified in Him and not caught-up in selfishness.

7. Read part of Jesus’ prayer found in John 17:20-23. Who is the prayer for? What did Jesus desire for all believers? Why?

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit reside together in perfect unity. Their relationship is flawless and produces joy and delight. Christ wants those who believe in Him to experience this Holy Unity. His prayer was for complete unity, experienced by the Trinity, would also be experienced in the Church. The Church, when completely unified in Christ as a fellowship, lets the world see and know that God sent Jesus to show the world His love.

8. Are there issues in your heart that keep you from Christian fellowship (community)? Explain. 

9. If you believe and are involved in Christian fellowship (community), how has it been beneficial? Explain.

Does Helen Reddy’s 1970’s hit song ring true in your heart?

“Leave me alone, please leave me alone.....”

Or does this old hymn echo in your spirit?

“The church's one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord; 
she is his new creation by water and the Word. 
From heaven he came and sought her to be his holy bride; 
with his own blood he bought her, and for her life he died. 

Yet she on earth hath union with God the Three in One,
 and mystic sweet communion with those whose rest is won. 
O happy ones and holy! 
Lord, give us grace that we like them, 
the meek and lowly, on high may dwell with thee.”

“Aloneness can lead to loneliness. God’s preventative for loneliness is intimacy ~ meaningful, open, sharing relationships with one another. In Christ we have the capacity for the fulfilling sense of belonging, which comes from intimate fellowship with God and with other believers.” ~ Neil T. Anderson

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