Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Book of James Week Three Lesson Five

“Two Kinds of Wisdom”
   “If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your heart, don’t cover up the truth with boasting and lying. For jealousy and selfishness are not God’s kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind.
   But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere. And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.”
 James 3:13-18
So far this week we’ve studied about taking action in our lives as Christians ~ belief + action = faith; two examples of faithful ones who came before us ~ Abraham and Rahab; how to recognize false teachers and how to be a faithful teacher in your own world; taming the tongue and how we should use it to praise our God and not bring down curses. Today we are going to learn about wisdom. James teaches us about two different kinds of wisdom.
Read James 3:13-18. What two kinds of wisdom does James teach us about:
  1. _____________________
  2. _____________________
James goes on to describe the two kinds of wisdom. Take this time to list aspects you find for each:
Earthly Wisdom                                                      Heavenly Wisdom 
Earthly Wisdom
Read 2 Corinthians 1:17. What did Christ send Paul to do?
How was he to preach?
Earthly wisdom cannot see the full picture that the cross of Christ Jesus paints. It makes no sense according to the world’s wisdom. It has no explanation for why Christ had to die for the sins of man. This kind of wisdom says we don’t need a Savior and there is no more to living than what we are living now. Wisdom, that comes from mankind, tells us we have all the power we need within us and we don’t need to believe in someone more powerful.
Read 1 Corinthians 1:18a. What is the message of the cross to the perishing? Why?

Heavenly Wisdom
Read 1 Corinthians 1:18b. What is the message of the cross to those being saved? Why?

The power of God is displayed in the power that raised Jesus from the dead. This same power rolled away the stone that held the body of Jesus. At the moment that death was conquered on the cross of Christ, mankind had hope. Jesus is the link between us and our Creator. Without Him eternal death is all we have to look forward to. He has made a way where there is no way. This is heavenly wisdom, knowing and believing that this world is temporary and that we need a Savior to save us from the deathtrap of sin.
Read Romans 1:16. What is Paul not ashamed of?
What does he mean by the “gospel”
The wisdom of heaven is God’s wisdom. In His wisdom He saw fit to make a way for everyone to have a relationship with Him. Jesus is that way. He is the perfect payment for the penalty of death we are due for our sin. Without this payment we are hopelessly  separated from God. The wisdom of this world doesn’t believe that our actions can lead to an eternal death, therefore, there is no need for a Savior.
Read 1 Corinthians 2:14. What can’t a person without the Holy Spirit accept the truths that come from Him?

The wisdom of this earth thinks that the message of the cross is foolishness. It is evident in the things we hear on the radio, newspapers and books, not to mention the internet and movies. There are movie stars and entertainers degrading and cursing the Name of the Holy One. 
John MacArthur says this about earthly and heavenly wisdom:
   “Now this wonderful text is a text about wisdom. It contrasts earthly and heavenly wisdom. Now keep in mind that wisdom is the next test of true saving living faith. James is laying out a series of tests by which a person can verify the genuineness of their faith. And this is the next in that list. He is telling his readers that those who are truly saved, those who genuinely know God, those who possess a living faith have a certain kind of wisdom. In other words, their spiritual conversion is manifest in their wisdom. Wisdom is evidence of what kind of a person you are and I am.
   And wisdom, remind yourself, does not mean knowledge. It does not mean information. It means the application of knowledge with divine power to the reshaping of life, transforming attitudes, transforming behavior into righteousness. Wisdom then is not what I know, wisdom is how I live. And so how I live according to the wisdom of God is a barometer on my spiritual condition.” 
If you claim to be a believer in Jesus, then the wisdom of this world should not be the basis on which you build your life. Rather, heavenly wisdom must be the foundation on which you live. It may not make sense to the world, but to a believer, heavenly wisdom is truth and the only way to believe.
Read Matthew 7:24-28. What does Jesus say about hearing (taking in, believing Him) and putting them into practice?
How does Jesus describe the wise and the foolish?

If a person decides to follow the heavenly wisdom of Christ what is the benefit? 

What warning does Jesus give to the foolish?

We would be wise to drop our reliance on the wisdom of this world. It sits on the shifting sand of believing we are strong enough and smart enough to be our own god. The wisdom of Jesus is solid and immovable. 
I love how Jesus uses such vivid illustrations. He paints a picture of someone building their home. Our homes are one of the most important things for us besides our loved ones. It costs us to build, so if our house is lost it is devastating. Jesus used this illustration because He knew we could relate to losing something of great value. It takes wisdom to build a home in the right location and with a solid foundation. The same holds true for the most important building project we will have; the building of our lives. Without a solid foundation and a great location near the heart of our Savior we build on unstable ground. Jesus offers Himself as a solid rock for us to build on. 
Read Isaiah 28:16. What does God lay in Zion? Describe it.

What is promised to the person who places all their trust in this stone?

See how God uses building terms in this passage? Heavenly wisdom directs us to build on a sure foundation. Earthly wisdom tells us to go for the best view. God promises there is good results when we choose His wisdom. “Cornerstone” is a term He uses.The definition of a cornerstone is a stone placed on level ground that joins two connecting walls. 
Jesus is the Cornerstone. He is level, strong and connects us to God. On some cornerstones there is an engraving that describes who built the structure. Those of us who choose to connect ourselves to Jesus, our Cornerstone, choose heavenly wisdom and our lives are engraved with His Name. Our lives are solid even when storms hit and we are shaken by the earthquakes of life.
John Piper has this to say about Jesus as our Cornerstone:
"Behold I lay in Zion a choice stone, a precious corner stone, and he who believes in Him shall not be disappointed." (Isaiah 28:16) The point here is that if you trust Christ, God's Cornerstone, you will not be disappointed. This stone will not prove faulty. If you build your life on this stone, your life will not crumble in the storm. If you hide behind this stone, you will be safe. If you stand on the truth of this stone, you will not be ashamed. If you join with others in the spiritual house built on this stone, you will be proud of your foundation and your fellowship will stand.” 
My question to you is this, “What will you choose; heavenly or earthly wisdom” Everyday we have choices to make. Those who love and serve Jesus rest on His solid foundation. Sometimes we choose earthly wisdom and see our decisions end in disaster. We have the foundation to make the right choice. Our options are always ours to decide. Why not go to the One who we trust our lives with and make the right choice according to His plan and purpose for us? He alone is solid and secure. Decisions based on earthly wisdom leads to shaky ground. Choose Him. With Jesus, even when trouble comes, we remain on solid, unshakable ground.

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