Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Book of James Week Four Lesson Three

“Submit to Resist”
“So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7
Humility does more than just get us to bow. It gives us the ability to walk behind the shield of the Mighty One. When we are obedient to Jesus as our Master and Protector, we are protected from the flaming arrows of the evil one. This doesn’t mean that hard times won’t come into our lives. It means that we are supernaturally protected and equipped to fight satan. 
Write James 4:7 in your own words. Make it personal by adding your name. 

I’ve always thought resisting the devil on my own was the way to avoid the supernatural battle I face every day. Instead I read in James 4:7 there is a proper order to resisting the devil and it’s not doing it on my own.
  1. We humble ourselves before God. We come under His authority by taking our proper place under His control. Who better to control things than our Creator Himself.
  1. Behind the authority of God, we resist the devil. On our own we are powerless to defend ourselves. 
  1. Satan flees at the mention of God’s Son Jesus. The devil knows that God is Ruler over all things. He knows Whose authority and power we stand behind.
The Lord gives us supernatural protection against evil. We are going to look at the best description of spiritual armor which is found in Ephesians 6:10-18. The Apostle Paul describes, with great detail, this armor. He uses an example the first century Christians would recognize immediately. The armor of the Roman soldiers was something they saw frequently and helped them visualize the armor of God.
Read Ephesians 6:10-18. Answer the following questions.
Verses 10-12. What are we to be?
Why are we to put on the full armor of God?

What is and isn’t our struggle against? Explain.

To be fitted with spiritual armor, we must be strong and come under the protection of God’s Son Jesus. This means that we have to give up our desire to react the way we want to react. The Lord gives us the battle plan which is to step behind Him as our Leader and Protector. When we do things on our own, we step away from His protection and are open to the flaming arrows of the evil one.
Verse 13. What are we to put on first and what are we to do?

We must put on the full armor God provides. We don’t just put on a piece here and there. To come under the protection He gives, we must do as Scripture says and dress in full spiritual armor. Just wearing a sword without the shield isn’t enough. It’s in fully giving ourselves over to His direction where we find protection from the evil one and his demons.
Verse 14a. We are to stand firm and what do we have strapped around our waist?

The belt warriors used was strapped on their waist. It was near the hands for easy access. On this belt hangs the weapons needed for battle. As believers God equips His children with what they need. We just have to remember we are equipped. Sometimes we are overwhelmed by the battle we are facing and we don’t remember to use the weapons He provides.
Verse 14b. What guards our hearts?
The breastplate of the warrior was a coat of mail that covered all the vital organs. We learn righteousness (a right relationship with God) guards are hearts and all that is vital for our spiritual well-being. Without a right relationship with our Lord, we are without protection from the evil one. This is why confessing our sins and turning from them is essential. We are weakened by our separation from God. The good news is we can turn back to God at any time humbling ourselves before Him.
Verse 15. What are feet fitted with?
Where does it come from?

The shoes of a Roman soldier were called “greaves” which protected the legs. The Christian wears the “Greaves of the Gospel.” In order to stand firm in our battle against the evil one, we need to be ready to share the Gospel, the Good News of Christ. This means we live out our faith so it is evident to all that we are believers and followers of Jesus.
Verse 16. What is the first defensive piece of armor we take up? What is it used for?

The Roman soldier had a shield which was large and covered with leather. They would soak it in water before they went out to battle so when flaming arrows would come it would extinguish them. Our faith is based on our trust in Jesus as our Defender and Leader. The evil ones arrows are extinguished by the shield of faith soaked in the Living Water which is Jesus Himself.
Verse 17. What protects our heads?
What other defensive weapon do we strap on? Why?

The helmet the Roman soldier wore surrounded the head, shielding it from harm. The supernatural helmet we wear is salvation. The mind, our decision-making part of us, is protected by the salvation Christ bought for us on the cross. We live in peace knowing this world and this temporary body of ours will die, but the real person, the soul is protected and will live with Him in eternity. Our souls are protected from hell and from satan’s hatred for us. Every decision we make should be based on our Hope of Salvation, Jesus. Without the helmet of salvation, there is no hope for survival from the evil one.
Read Hebrews 4:12. Describe the word of God as defined in this verse? Why is it so important to know as a believer?

The Word of God, the sword, cuts quickly and precisely between the world’s truth and God’s Truth. He doesn’t allow anything to muddy the water. As we live by faith, we live by His Truth. There is no better weapon than our Lord’s Words lived out in the life of a true believer in Jesus. 
When we choose to live as a Christ follower, we choose to stand behind Him and submit to His authority and power. Submission really means, “to come under protection of one in authority over us.” It is my prayer that we will choose submission to our great Master and Warrior Jesus. He has already defeated satan. We are victors when we stand behind His shield. Put on the full armor of God in Christ Jesus.

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