Friday, June 3, 2011

The Book of James Week One Lesson Four

“Be Blessed”
“God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.”
 James 1:12
The Summer I turned 42, I decided that I wanted to begin running. Crazy huh? Don’t laugh I did start running and kept it up for about six years. I’ve decided to walk now that I’m....well, let’s just say...older and wiser. Anyway, when I first began the process of learning to run, I would get about fifty feet and get winded. Every day the run was a struggle and I would end up walking most of it. It didn’t seem to be working and I almost gave up. Instead of quitting, I asked some long distance runners I knew for advice and they gave me some great lessons on how to get past the learning curve and move on to a regular running schedule. Here are their tips:
  1. Stretch first ~ This is to allow the muscles to be relaxed and in condition for the run ahead. Without stretching, injury can occur.
  1. Establish a rhythm ~ Have a tune running through the mind like “Row, Row, Row Your Boat,” saying the “A,B,C’s,” or counting steps, helps to get the mind and body in sync.
  1. Breathe deeply and exhale fully ~ This is to prevent hyperventilation and supply the body with adequate oxygen so exhaustion won’t occur too rapidly.
  1. Set a goal ~ Setting small goals daily will help reach the ultimate goal or running miles instead of a few feet. For example, run 10 steps, walk 10 steps; run 100 feet and walk 50 feet; run a mile, walk a mile and so on...
Learning perseverance in life is very similar. With God’s help as our coach, we can learn to endure, to get through life with a spiritual endurance. It takes practice and a determination through our faith in His Son Jesus.
  1. Stretch first ~ Take the initiative to stretch spiritually. Don’t just sit and wait for someone to help you get closer to the Lord. Use the Spirit He gave you when you came to Him and laid your life down before Him. Spend regular time in prayer, study and going to church.
  1. Establish a rhythm ~ Get into a habit of spending time in the Word and in prayer. Getting into a rhythm or habit of a daily quiet time is essential to growing in perseverance.
  1. Breathe deeply and exhale fully ~ Breathe and exhale scripture so it becomes so engrained in you that when you need to say something or react to something, God’s Word comes out in your words and actions. God’s Word is a spiritual weapon against the enemy, the devil himself.
  1. Set a goal ~ Run for the prize at the Apostle Paul writes about in Philippians 3:12-14.
Read Philippians 3:12-14. What is the one thing Paul does to reach the goal Jesus has set for him and for those who love Jesus?

What does he press on toward and why does he do it?

We run toward the goal that Jesus has set before each of us and that is to become more and more like Him as we live our lives. It is a process and is only obtained when Jesus calls us home. We can’t look back at our past with regrets because we can trip and fall. We must move forward toward Jesus. He has His best planned for us. Not only that, He runs along beside us and never, ever leaves us.
Look at James 1:12 again. Let’s break it down:
Who is does James say is blessed in this verse?
When does the blessing come?
What will those who persevere receive?
Who is this promised to?
We now have the steps laid out for us from verse 12. There are four steps in reaching our goal as a believer in Jesus. They are:
  1. Persevering under trials
  2. Standing the test
  3. Receiving the crown
  4. Loving the Lord

Persevering Under Trials
Read 1 Peter 3:13-14 What are we not to fear?
Who do you suppose “they” are?
Brainstorm with me and write some fears down that we all experience.

All these fears are common to us. But, God says not to fear that which is common to man. We are to fear God alone. God is the only one who has control over life and death. The fear with which we should fear God is one of reverence and awe. He is Creator God and mighty in all He does.
Read Isaiah 8:12-13. This is the scripture Peter quoted from the Old Testament also known as the Torah.
Who does it say we are to fear?
How are we to regard Him?
We are to respect and revere God, not the fears that are common to mankind. God is in control. He has our best interest in mind, even though we cannot always see it. He is molding us to be more and more like His perfect Son Jesus.
Standing the Test
Remember Romans 5:1-5 We studied in Day One? Take time to read it again. In it we see the progression and purpose of perseverance. Our true character is revealed through our trials. True character produces hope and hope does not disappoint. Simply put, standing the test produces true character which ultimately produces hope.
Turn to Hebrews 11:1. How is faith defined in this verse?

Faith and hope are linked. That link is Christ Jesus. Those without Him as their Lord, their Master, their Leader, have no hope past this life on earth. Those who have Jesus as their Hope have hope eternal.
Receiving the Crown
The basic definition of a crown is a band around the head to designate honor. The Bible describes three different types of crowns:
A royal crown * A priestly crown * A victor’s crown

Christ Jesus wears all three. He endured the torment of wearing the crown of thorns His enemies jammed down on His sacred head. He endured the pain of it and dying on the cross for our sins. Now He sits beside the Father and wears His royal crown.
In James 1:12, the word “crown” describes a victor’s crown. This means the Christian who perseveres under the testing in this life will receive a victor’s crown. We are victorious because of the One who wears many crowns.
Turn to Revelation 14:14. Read the verse aloud. What does the verse describe?

Doesn’t it give you chills? The Son of Man, Jesus, the Holy One, sits upon the throne at the right hand of God, with a crown of gold on His head and a sickle in His hand. The sickle indicates the harvest of mankind who choose Him and the destruction of those who don’t. Let us choose the victors crown given to those who believe in Jesus as the Victor over sin and death. 
Hold on to the victor’s crown as a reminder of Christ’s victory for us over the evil one. We are victorious in Christ Jesus. Wear the crown well.
Loving the Lord
To persevere, stand the test. and receive the victor’s crown, we must love God. The Greek word for “love” used in James 1:12 is “agape” which implies, “the preciousness of the one loved.” God’s love is “agape.” He loves us with holy eyes and we are seen by HIm as precious.
To love “agape” is to know God because God is pure love. The qualities of “agape” are:
Read Galatians 5:6b. What is the only thing that counts?
How is it expressed?
Loving God and others with “agape” love consists of charity, devotion, esteem, respect, loyalty and concern. How are you doing in these areas? 

The qualities of “agape” love are what caused God to give up His Son for you and me. We are required to “agape” love God and others, or we do not know, understand or perceive God. Truly knowing God is “agape” love. When we show this kind of love that God has shown for us, the wonderful qualities of charity, devotion, esteem, respect, loyalty and concern are inherent in us when we belong to Jesus.
Can you look at persevering through trials as a benefit to your growth in Jesus? When understand that we receive the best God has for us, we grow in our faith through the trials we face in this life. Keep your head up. Fix your eyes on the prize He has set before each one of us. Don’t look back at the past. Look forward to being more and more like Jesus. Receive the blessings He promises as you keep on trusting Him in all things. Be blessed my friend.

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