Sunday, February 6, 2011

Prayer Study Week Three Day Four

“Making His Deeds Known”

Can you think of anyone like the Lord God Almighty? Does Buddha or Mohamed compare? No. There is only one God. The gods recognized by the world religions are created by mankind. God, Jehovah, Mighty One, Holy One, Creator of all things is the only true God. There is none other. Glory be to His name. Therefore as believers in this One True God, our praises should reflect His majesty.

To begin today’s lesson read Exodus 15:11What three things does the author (Moses) state that are aspects of the One True God?
1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________

The actions of God are seen in all things. We can see Him in nature, in the birth of a child and the death of a loved one. But, God is best seen in His holiest action ~ the sacrifice of His Son for the redemption of our sins that deserve the death penalty.

God always fulfills His promises and He sent His Holy Spirit to us to live within those who choose to accept Him into their lives. God’s actions are mighty, full of the same power that raised Jesus from death. His actions are so far above what our minds can comprehend, so He supplies us with faith. Contrary to common belief, we don’t supply our own faith, He does. We just make the decision to believe. God is majestic in holiness, far superior to anyone or anything, Praise His Holy Majestic Name.

God is our Creator and Redeemer and His deeds of love, justice and power, leads us to praise, love and obey Him. He is our Praise. He’s not just the reason for our praise, He is our praise. In other words, our praise to God is supplied by God Himself. He has ordained our praise. His authority has given us the ability to speak His Name. Not only are we called to praise His Name, if we are His, we can’t help but praise Him.

Praising the Wonders of God
God’s wonders, His miraculous signs are the “fingerprints” of God. They indicate that He has been present in a situation and are signs of His grace and power. The Lord confirms His word by working His wonders. These wonders are an exhibition of His capable care. What we deem as impossible, is possible with God and are seen in the incomparable wonders of God.

Let’s look at some of His “fingerprints”:

Read Luke 2:1-7.  What is the miracle or “fingerprint” of God in these verses?

What is the significance of this “fingerprint” of  God?

This isn’t just a finger-print of God; it is God Himself in human form. AWESOME! It makes the parting of the Red Sea look like a mere everyday occurrence. Jesus is God! He is the image of the Almighty.

Read Luke 23: 33 & 34, 44-46.  What is the miracle or “fingerprint” of God in these verses? 

What is the significance of this “fingerprint” of God?

God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one. They are the Triune God. They aren’t 1+1+1= 3. They are 1x1x1=1. When Jesus died on the cross willingly for us, God Himself took the penalty for our sins. God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit did this for you and me. He took on every sin from the beginning of time until the day He returns. I can’t even imagine the power that was held back on the cross and in heaven that day. God could have unleashed His power through His wrath against the world for murdering His Son, but He didn’t. Instead, He unleashed His power through the death of God the Son!

Jesus said, “Father. Forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34

Read Luke 24:1-8. What is the miracle or “fingerprint” of God in these verses?

What is the significance of this “fingerprint” of God?

Think of the power unleashed in this account of the resurrection of Jesus the Holy One. WOW! My limited mind has a hard time wrapping itself around it. That’s where faith comes in. I shout, “God, I believe in Your Son Jesus. Raise me from death that results from my sin. Roll away the stone of the grave in my life. Set my spirit free to be with Your Holy Spirit because that is what I was created for! Praise Your Name.”

Prayer Time
What are some the “fingerprints of God” in your life? Go to your Prayer Journal and write these out. Has He rolled the stone away in your heart and mind? Take this time to reflect on times in your life when God has had His hand on you and left His “fingerprint” for all to see. Ask Him to reveal His working in your life.

Discussion Question
1. Can you think of anyone like the Lord God Almighty? What are some ways that you can praise and honor God in our daily prayer time and throughout the day?

2. God’s wonders, His miraculous signs are the “fingerprints” of God. They indicate that He has been present in a situation and are signs of His grace and power. The Lord confirms His word by working His wonders. Share some of the “fingerprints” of God in your life.

3. How has God “rolled the stone” away from your heart? Or is it still there? Discuss.

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