Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Prayer Study Week Four Lesson Five

“The Grace of God”

As I wrote this study, I asked God to reveal to me what He wants us to know about grace and this scripture about Paul’s “thorn” came to my mind. So as I read through it once more I came to realize that the “thorn” wasn’t the theme of the passage. God’s grace through Christ is.

I want us to start this lesson by reading 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. Summarize what you read:

This passage has always been a tough one for me. Why does it even need to be in the Bible? And what is the “thorn” that the Apostle Paul wrote about? So often I have just skimmed over this passage because it made no sense to me. I’ve heard sermons on it and listened to speculation on what the “thorn” was.

Read 2 Corinthians 12:9a again. (NIV) Fill in the blanks:
But He said to me, “My ___________ is ____________________ for you, for My _____________ is made ___________________ in ______________________.”

The Power and Sufficiency of God’s Grace
God has the power to do what He says. Through the Lord Jesus Christ, we receive sufficient grace. It doesn’t mean that the grace we receive is just enough to get us by. It is a dynamic power. It lifts us up and covers us with His power and presence. This power of grace is seen when we believe God’s promises through His Son Jesus.

Read the following scriptures and describe the power of God in each one:

Genesis 18:13-14 (Focus on verse 14)

Isaiah 40:29

Matthew 19:26

God does the impossible!

Belief in Jesus and His Word plays an important roll in receiving the grace and power He provides. To receive the grace of God, we must believe in His Son Jesus Christ. Christ tells us that His power is made perfect in our weakness. What does that mean? The world tells us differently. It views the follower of Christ as weak. But we know that in Christ Jesus our weakness demonstrates His power.

Read 2 Corinthians 12:9b-10. By recognizing our weaknesses, what do we allow to rest on us?

To delight in your weakness means that we see it as a good thing. Why would acknowledging our weaknesses, insults, hardships, in persecutions and difficulties be a good thing?

When I lay down my will for God’s will, I take up the banner that says, “I belong to Jesus and He fights for me.” Our will, our desire for control in our lives only shows our weakness compared to the infinite and all-powerful presence of the Holy One. The power of God displayed through His Son, our Mighty Warrior and Prince of Peace is effective through those who admit they are powerless without Him.

It is essential to recognize the power of God displayed through His Son Jesus to have an effective prayer life. If we don’t recognize His power and supremacy over us, then our prayers go nowhere. They hit the ceiling and fall to the floor. We must come under His grace and that means we need to accept His grace fully and not rely on anything or anyone else.

Read Ephesians 2:4-5; 8-9. Put each set of verses into your own words:

Verses 4-5:

Verse 8-9:

God’s grace is a gift. And by saying “gift” I don’t mean a shiny, gift–wrapped trinket that sits on a shelf collecting dust, eventually loosing its shine, becoming dull and tattered. God’s grace is new and useful in our daily relationship with Him.

Read Lamentations 3:22-23. Why are we not consumed?

What never fails?

What is new every morning?

How does this verse describe God’s faithfulness?

Some days I feel like there is nothing left of me. And when I go to God in prayer He gently reminds me that I have been trying to do things without Him. If I would just remember that God’s grace is enough and that through my weaknesses He is shown to be strong.  I’m sure you’ve felt that way too. Let’s remember that God is faithful and His grace is enough.

Prayer Time
Go to your prayer journal and thank God for His grace. If there is anything that you have not given over to Him in exchange for His will and power in your life, do that as well. 

Discussion Questions
1. God has the power to do what He says. His grace is enough. How have you seen the display of God’s grace and power in your life? Explain.

2. Christ tells us that His power is made perfect in our weakness.  How can you explain the reason we must accept our weakness to display God’s strength? 

3. Have you admitted your weakness to Jesus or do you still believe that you can fix things and do things on your own power? Explain.

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