Monday, February 21, 2011

Prayer Study Week Five Lesson Four

“Thanksgiving for Strength and Blamelessness”

Let’s begin today’s lesson by reviewing 1 Corinthians 1:4-9.
Now fill in the following blanks from 1 Corinthians 1:8 (NIV):
“He will _______________ you ___________________ to the end, so that you will be __________________ on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

From this verse we see two benefits of the grace given to us as believers in Jesus the Holy One of God:

Sometimes I forget that I am filled with the Holy Spirit of the Living God. That sounded so weird when I wrote it, but really it is so true at times. I depend on myself too often. Why don’t I remember that the Holy Spirit is the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead and gives us victory over sin and death? It’s like dying of thirst when there is a deep well full of cool, clean, refreshing water right before me.

Turn to Romans 8:11. What is the common denominator between Christ’s resurrection from death and our mortal bodies?

Do you see the power? This power resides within you and me. My human mind has a hard time getting a grasp of this concept. So, I want us to go further into these verses.

Read Romans 8:16. Write out this verse:

It is not with my mind, a mind limited by this mortal body, but with my spirit that the Holy Spirit testifies. And because my spirit is created in His image and is eternal in nature, my spirit receives the truth of the Holy Spirit. The truth is I am a child of the Almighty.

Read on in verse 17. Who does the Spirit say we are?

What do we share with Jesus?

As co-heirs with Christ, we have the power of the Living God residing in us. Just as Christ suffered on this earth and was raised to glory, so shall we be. Life is hard on this earth. Everyone ~ believers and nonbelievers ~ have pain. But, believers have an eternal inheritance with Christ Jesus that promises joy and strength in the midst of it all. We share in His glory.

Read James 1:12. Who does this verse say is blessed?

What will this person receive?

We will receive and wear the crown of life when we reach heaven after our mortal bodies fail and die. God’s strength is given to us by the Holy Spirit while on this earth. God provides us with His strength. This gives us a great reason to express our thanks to Him in prayer and in the actions of our lives.

The Greek word used for “keep strong” is “bebaioo” and means “to make firm or reliable so as to warrant security and inspire confidence. It means to strengthen, make true, fulfill.” Wow! Firm and reliable ~ security and confidence ~ fulfillment. It seems to me that everyone is looking for all of the above. Believers in Jesus receive all of the promises of God to their fullest.

The world of flesh turns our heads away from the true source of strength, security, confidence and fulfillment. The distractions that this world offers keep us from experiencing all that God has for us. Keeping our eyes on Him gives us security and confidence as we walk on this failing earth. We are kept strong through the power of the Holy Spirit residing in us so that we will be blameless before Christ when He comes to judge the world.

Read 1 Thessalonians 3:13. (NIV) Fill in the blanks: 

“May He _____________________ your ______________ so that you will be __________________________ and ____________ in the presence of our _________ and _________________ when our ____________ Jesus ______________ with all His holy ones.”

Notice the word “blameless”. It is used with the word “holy”. To go before the presence of the Holy God, we must be holy. The Greek word for “blameless” is “anenkletos” and means “unaccused, free from any legal charge at all.” It really means that the charges pending against us are dropped! When Christ comes and all people stand before His judgment seat, those who gave their lives to the mercy of Christ and were His on earth will be declared “not guilty.” Those who didn’t give their lives to Him will receive the torture of a living death without Him. We, however, receive the inheritance we will share with the King Himself ~ Jesus!

Read Colossians 1:21-23 Who were we alienated from? (Verse 21)Why? 

How are we reconciled to God?  (Verse 22

There is an “if” to our reconciliation. What is it? (Verse 23a)

Who has the gospel been proclaimed to? (Verse 23b)

In our sinful nature we are separated from God. The gap between us is an infinite chasm created by our sin. There is no way across it without help. Christ is the (only) blameless one to make a way. He is the only way. But, just because there is a way to God the rest is up to us. He does not force us to go. The decision is ours. We move toward God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and this requires action on our part. It isn’t enough just to believe, but we must move forward by faith.

Prayer Time
When we choose Christ ~ our way to God ~ God only sees what Christ has done for us and not our sin. Go to your Prayer Journal and express your joy Godward for these gifts of strength and blamelessness.

Discussion Questions
1. What are the two benefits of the grace given to us as believers in Jesus the Holy One of God that we learned about in this lesson? What do they mean to a Follower of Christ?

2. It is not with your mind, a mind limited by this mortal body, but with your spirit the Holy Spirit testifies. And because your spirit is created in His image and is eternal in nature, it receives the truth of the Holy Spirit. The truth is you are a child of the Almighty. How can you apply this Truth to your life?

3. As co-heirs with Christ, we have the power of the Living God residing in us. Just as Christ suffered on this earth and was raised to glory, and so will we be raised. Life is hard on this earth. Everyone ~ believers and nonbelievers ~ have pain. Describe the power given to the Follower of Christ.

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