Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Book of Acts ~ Study Twenty-Five

"Rumblings of Discontent"

Acts 6:1-7 (NLT) But as the believers rapidly multiplied, there were rumblings of discontent. The Greek-speaking believers complained about the Hebrew-speaking believers, saying that their widows were being discriminated against in the daily distribution of food.
   So the Twelve called a meeting of all the believers. They said, “We apostles should spend our time teaching the word of God, not running a food program. And so, brothers, select seven men who are well respected and are full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will give them this responsibility. Then we apostles can spend our time in prayer and teaching the word.”
   Everyone liked this idea, and they chose the following: Stephen (a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit), Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas of Antioch (an earlier convert to the Jewish faith). These seven were presented to the apostles, who prayed for them as they laid their hands on them.
   So God’s message continued to spread. The number of believers greatly increased in Jerusalem, and many of the Jewish priests were converted, too.

These seven verses are chock-full of information. Again, this portion of Scripture is one we so often read through quickly, if at all, to get to the next portion we are familiar with. So today let's really get to know what is in it and why we need to know it.

The first verse begins with a division in the infant church among the Greek and Hebrew Jews. The Greeks complained about their widows getting slighted in the distribution of food. Complaining and jealousy are as old as time, beginning with Cain and Able. (See Genesis 4) Overlooking and being insensitive is also as ancient as time. What does the Bible tell us about divisions, grumbling, jealousy and the like? Read the passages below and discover what it says:

1 Corinthians 1:10 (NLT) I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought. 

1 Corinthians 3:1-3 (NLT) Dear brothers and sisters, when I was with you I couldn’t talk to you as I would to spiritual people. I had to talk as though you belonged to this world or as though you were infants in the Christian life. I had to feed you with milk, not with solid food, because you weren’t ready for anything stronger. And you still aren’t ready, for you are still controlled by your sinful nature. You are jealous of one another and quarrel with each other. Doesn’t that prove you are controlled by your sinful nature? Aren’t you living like people of the world?

Galatians 5:19-21 (NLT) When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

Jealously and quarreling are listed among the other desires of our sinful nature along with sexual immorality, impurity, sorcery, etc. We tend to overlook jealousy and quarreling because we believe we have a right to our feelings. Yet, these indicate an immaturity in us as believers. God wants us to stop and grow up and learn to work things out through obedience to Him and in prayer.

How do you view quarreling and jealousy? Do you think it should rank up there with lust, etc.? Why or why not?

The point is, God doesn't like it. I think that quarreling and jealousy are two of the biggest problems churches have. If we would just go to God with the things we don't agree on and love one another as He requires of us, then I believe our churches would quit splitting and folks would stop changing churches when they get their noses out of joint. (I include myself in this too!) God wants the church unified to prepare for His return and to bring others to know Him. Who wants to be a part of bitter quarreling and petty behavior? Would you?

In verses 2-4 we see a perfect example of working problems out. The leaders of the Church delegated the problem to seven men who would take care of the need among the widows of the church. Delegation is so very important. It requires prayer and special consideration of the spiritual gifts certain people have. So many leaders think they need to take care of it themselves or just ignore the problems. God has set up the church to function as an in-sync body of believers. Each with their own gifts to fill needs within the Body of Christ, the Church.

Romans 12:4-8 (MSG) In this way we are like the various parts of a human body. Each part gets its meaning from the body as a whole, not the other way around. The body we're talking about is Christ's body of chosen people. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body. But as a chopped-off finger or cut-off toe we wouldn't amount to much, would we? So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ's body, let's just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren't.
   If you preach, just preach God's Message, nothing else; if you help, just help, don't take over; if you teach, stick to your teaching; if you give encouraging guidance, be careful that you don't get bossy; if you're put in charge, don't manipulate; if you're called to give aid to people in distress, keep your eyes open and be quick to respond; if you work with the disadvantaged, don't let yourself get irritated with them or depressed by them. Keep a smile on your face.

I really like how the Message Bible words this passage of Scripture. "Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body." When we are functioning in our gifts, things really run smoothly. Not only that, but the church is blessed by God and people are attracted to it. Many came to know Jesus as a result of the cooperation of this early church. Even some priests came to faith.

If you don't know what your spiritual gifts are and would like to find out ~ go to churchgrowth.org/cgi-cg/gifts.cgi?intro=1 When you find what you are gifted at then you can work and give in the area of your giftedness. Its God's plan and it works.

When we quarrel and complain we sow seeds of discontent allowing Satan to get his foot in the door. The Church of Jesus should be a place of blessings. It should always put Jesus first bringing honor to Him and not to ourselves. Let's unite and give our best for the cause of Christ.

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