Monday, June 9, 2008

I really appreciate that Jesus is upfront with us. In the Bible He tells us,"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John16:33) He lays the truth out about life here on this earth. First, there will be trouble. Second, He has overcome the world.

Everyday we are bombarded by images on the TV, internet, magazines, billboards and such which send the message that we can have it all. We can have the perfect body, the perfect mate, the best friendships, the fastest car and the latest trend. Not only can we have it all, we should have it all and if we don't then we've failed.

No wonder so many of us are down because we have gotten all those things yet. There must be something wrong with us. Right? We've believed something some stranger in an ad agency has decided we need. Why do we believe that stranger when there is someone who knows us better than we know ourselves waiting and wanting to tell us the truth.

Maybe we don't want to hear the truth. Maybe the shiny objects laid out before us daily on the computer or from the texts that we get, from a world that doesn't really care about us, do have the real answers for our problems.

I fall prey to the images of the "can haves" and the "should haves." Often I succumb to the notion that I am entitled to whatever I want, whenever I want. But do you know what? When I don't get it, I feel the crush of failure and the "poor-little-old-me" syndrome.

Jesus, laid it out for us. He has told the truth. This world has problems. He doesn't wave a shiny object before us and promise us whiter teeth and fresher breath. He doesn't promise us a fast new car and a whole new body. He tells us that this world is hard but gives us the good news that He has taken care of this world by laying down His life for us.

We walk around looking into faces just like ours who are looking for the truth. We are all looking for some relief from the strain of being what the world tells us we should be. Why don't we all just look to the One who dares to speak the truth.

Jesus tells it like it is, but He gives us a way out. He gives us a path to His peace and He offers His strength to live in this world that only offers struggle. Where are you in this process? Are you willing to look at the truth of life to realize that the glossy billboards are only as deep as the paper they are printed on. The truth of this world is only as lasting as the speed of the internet. Its images fade with just a click.

Investigate the claims of Jesus. He's the only one who was and is willing to speak the truth and to give us hope to live.

Let me know what you think.



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