Monday, June 13, 2011

The Book of James Week Three Lesson One

“Take Action”
   “What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions? Can that kind of faith save anyone? Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say, “Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well”—but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do?
   So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.
   Now someone may argue, “Some people have faith; others have good deeds.” But I say, “How can you show me your faith if you don’t have good deeds? I will show you my faith by my good deeds.”
   You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror.James 2:14-19
The external proof of faith in Jesus is seen in our actions. It’s seen in how we respond to situations and others. Faith which does not show itself by actions is worth nothing. Real faith is belief + action.  
Read Matthew 7:17-20. What does verse 20 say?

Wy should this teaching from Jesus really matter in a believer’s life?

If you really pay attention to a person who claims to be a Christian, you will be able to tell if they are truly living a life dedicated to Jesus. First, ask yourself this question, “Does this person profess Jesus as Lord?” Second, ask yourself this question, “Do their actions align with what they say they believe?” 
Belief + Actions = Faith
This important equation is part of discernment. Calling upon the power of the Holy Spirit that resides within your soul completes the discernment process. It takes faith to ask these difficult questions. It takes time to observe what a person is really like as compared to what they say they believe.
Jesus equates real faith with the actions that the person displays. Jesus taught us to “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
 What is the verb in this sentence? Circle it now. A verb is the action word in a sentence. Here we see that “love” is the action word. Love is the outward representation of faith.
Read 1 John 3:16-17. How do we know what true love is?

According to this passage, what are we supposed to do as believers?

Can the love of God be in a person who shows no pity to those in need?

What are we to do when we see someone in need?

True faith is, faith in action. Our responsibility is to display our faith in Jesus by imitating how He acted on this earth. He was never idle in showing the Father’s love. When Jesus calls us to a certain action, then we better do it. Sometimes the actions we take may not be pleasant or easy, however, we are to be obedient anyway. God supplies the strength. It is through prayer and knowing God’s Word that we can better know His will and how to act in faith. God’s Holy Spirit is always with us and directing us. We must be aware of His voice to know where He wants us to move.
True faith is based on action and truth. Our motives should be based on the truth of the Gospel (Good News). We must be full of integrity, dependability and unswerving obedience to Jesus. He has called those who are His to love the unlovely, feed the hungry, and care for the “least of these.” This is true faith. I want this in my life.
Read James 2:18-19. What is the reason some give for not having faith accompanying actions?

What is James’ response?

What does verse 19 mean?

Just believing or thinking that there is a God is not enough. The demons believe. So, what is the difference between them and a follower of Jesus? This difference is this: A follower of Jesus has Christ’s Holy Spirit within them and they act on their faith in Him. Being a Christian means that we’ve accepted Him as our Master and we act on His Word through the power of His love that dwells with in. Demons are subject to the evil one. Believers in Jesus are subject to their Master, the King who conquered death and evil.
Read Luke 4:31-35. Where in Capernaum was Jesus teaching?
What day was He teaching?
Who was there listening?
Who shouted out?
What did this spirit reveal about Jesus?
What did Jesus do that proved He was the Holy One of God?

What was the congregation’s response?

Do you see? This man was in the synagogue, a place of worship. It doesn’t indicate that he was like the other demon-possessed people we read about in other passages. He wasn’t throwing himself into a fire or running around naked in a graveyard. He lived among the regular people. 
This is just my opinion. I see this man among the regular synagogue-attending people of Capernaum, “normal.” But, when he yelled out what was inside himself, his true identity was revealed. Jesus knew that this man was demon-possessed, even though others didn’t. The evil spirit dwelling inside this man yelled out, “You are the Holy One of God!” He revealed the truth about Jesus, but without the love of or faith in Him. The demon believed that Jesus was the Son of the Most High, but it was the result of fear, not love. It could only tremble before Him. 
Just because the man’s demon knew and confessed publicly who Jesus was, didn’t make him a follower of Jesus. He was just a demon who shuddered at the presence of Jesus, the Holy One.
You see, belief is not enough to tell whether a person is a Christian. Going to church, saying you believe and all the other things that go along with that, doesn’t indicate true belief. We show others our faith through, not just our confession of Jesus, but also by the fruit of our faithful actions in obedience to Him. We may sit in church and know who Jesus is, but not really have faith in Him.
The external proof of faith in Jesus is seen in our actions. It’s seen in how we respond to situations and others. Faith that does not show itself by actions is worth nothing. Real faith is belief + action.  Where do you stand? Are you able to discern true belief versus false belief? This is where we must rely on the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to us. Let’s use the ability God has given us. Take action and live out your faith so others will know who you belong to and what you really believe.

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