“Standing Firm”
“Dear brothers and sisters, be patient as you wait for the Lord’s return. Consider the farmers who patiently wait for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They eagerly look for the valuable harvest to ripen. You, too, must be patient. Take courage, for the coming of the Lord is near.” James 5:7-8
Have you ever been told by someone not to pray for patience because the Lord will teach it to you? The good news is this, if we are followers of Jesus, we are equipped with patience powered by the indwelling Holy Spirit. To be patient we must, by faith and obedience, tap into this gift.
Read Galatians 5:22-23. List the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Do you see that patience is listed? We are indeed equipped with the tools we need to live our lives the way God intended. The problem is this; the world around us is fallen and bad things happen, people misbehave and all this effects us. How we deal with our environment is the question.
Read James 5:7. What are we to be?
How long?
What example does James use for patience?
James uses the example of a farmer waiting for the rain to fall on his crops. Everyone knows that it takes rain to make the crops grow. This is a good example to use.The Summer is very hot and dry in Israel. The rains come in the Spring and Fall. It took patience to get through the Summer. There was nothing the farmer could do about it but trust that the rains would come.
Much like the farmer, we go through dry times. It takes patience to wait for the rains of God. He gives us the ability to wait on Him through the power of the Holy Spirit. Each believer is equipped for waiting. It is an act of faith to wait on the Lord.
Read Galatians 6:9. What will we reap when we trust and do God’s good?
It’s hard not to lose patient when we do things on our own power. We must remember that we are given what we need to get through rough times. When we don’t depend on the Holy Spirit we can get angry, frustrated and depressed. Our tendency is to fix things on our own instead of allowing God to work in His perfect time.
Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. What are we to do when we have problems in life? Why?
Our spiritual stability requires that we fix our eyes on Jesus and trust Him. We cannot take our eyes off of Him because whatever direction you are looking, that is the way you will fall. For example, if you depend on a glass of wine to ease your weariness, or eat to calm your nerves, you will eventually fall down in over-dependence on these things rather than trusting Jesus.
Our aim is to do good things according to God’s will and not depend on ourselves. We must have quality in the character God as given us instead of our old sinful selves. However, just doing good things may not be the good God has in mind for you. Sometimes we can compensate for our emotional needs by doing “good things” to fill up the need we have for God. We get worn down and burned out. It’s imperative to ask God to show you what He wants you to do.
Read 1 Timothy 1:18-19. What instruct does the Apostle Paul give to Timothy?
What does Paul say happens to those who have rejected fighting the good fight and holding on to their faith with a good conscience?
We must hold onto our faith in Jesus no matter what and fight the good fight by being obedience to Him as our Master, Leader and Savior. This good fight is to keep our minds focused on Him and carry out the plan and purpose He has for us.
My mother always told me, “God’s timing is perfect.” She was right. We are to live our lives righteously towards our Lord. It takes patience to wait on Him and we are equipped with the patience we need. All we need to do is rely on Him. When we get discouraged it should prompt us to get down on our spiritual knees and pray, continually depending on His power.
Read Acts 17:24-28. God made the world and everything in it. What does God determine for the world and everyone who inhabits it?
Why did God do this?
Write out verse 28. Apply it to your life.
God sets the times for our lives. If this is true, why do we worry about life? Whether we want to admit it or not, God’s timing is perfect and will be carried out no matter how much we try to change things. The only thing we can change is our attitude. We can change the direction of our wills to line up with His perfect will.
Read 2 Peter 3:8-9. What does this verse mean to you? How can you apply it to your life today?
Being patient is understanding God isn’t slow, but desires that everyone will have a chance to come to Him. We are to pattern our Christian walk after Jesus and be patient, knowing He in ultimately in control. He still sits on His throne and rules perfectly.
Read James 5:8. What do we do as we wait for Jesus to return?
Since God has provided a solid foundation made up of His love, His Word, His plans, His purposes and His statutes, all established through His Son Jesus, we have a solid place to stand and live out our lives. To do this, we have to step onto this foundation by faith in Jesus. God’s foundation does change or shift. It stays firm.
We’ve studied putting on the full armor of God and choosing between building our lives on rock (Jesus) or sand (the world). Let’s dig further and learn how to stand firm.
Read 1 Corinthians 15:56-58. What is the reason we should stand firm in Christ Jesus?
In verse 58, we learn three things we are to do. What are they?
We learn there are three components to standing firm in our faith. We must not let anything move us, give ourselves fully to God’s work (which are His plans and purposes for us) and live daily in the knowledge we do not labor in vain when we are obedient to Him. He alone is our Hope. Nothing can harm us. Yes, we can lose our physical bodies to death, but because Jesus has been victorious over death, we own this same victory. When we die our lives continue on in eternity.
Read 2 Timothy 2:19. What stands firm?
What is God’s foundation sealed with?
Write the inscription that is written on the foundation of Jesus:
God has provided us with a solid foundation on which we can build our lives and that is Jesus. We stand firm in His presences and His presence is always with us. We don’t have to stand on our own. He provides the ability to stand firm. We can’t do it on our own. As we live our lives in Jesus, we are provided with the tools we need. We wait on His rain to fall on our dryness. He nourishes those He loves and who love and serve Him. Without Him in our lives we will fail. What is written on the foundation you choose to stand on?