Saturday, May 28, 2011

Introduction to the Study of the Book of James

James was the younger half-brother of Jesus. He witnessed the resurrected Jesus and was among those who were together, after Jesus ascended into heaven, that were awaiting the anointing of the Holy Spirit that Jesus had promised to those who believed He was Lord. 
We learn from Scripture that James was not a true believer during Jesus’ time on earth. I can understand his viewpoint. It’s always tough to really see a sibling in a place of authority. James witnessed Jesus’ claim to being the Son of God.
Look at the following passage and describe the interaction between Jesus’ brothers:
John 7:1-5 
Read Matthew 13:55-56 and list Jesus’ family members. 

Isn’t it interesting to look at the family dynamics of Jesus? We learn that He too experienced what a normal family goes through. Jesus was the oldest of Joseph and Mary’s family. It is assumed that Joseph was a carpenter and had passed on sometime earlier, though we don’t know how much earlier. Jesus was a carpenter as well. He learned the trade from His earthly father. When Joseph died, Jesus more than likely, took on the role of head of the house. When He reached thirty years old He left the family home and began His earthly ministry as Rabbi Jesus. 
I’m sure Jesus’ family was left feeling a little abandoned. Mary understood more than His siblings did because of the miracle of His birth. It’s my opinion that Jesus’ departure, to start and complete the true reason for His coming to earth, was confusing to James and his brothers and sisters. They wanted Him to do what they wanted Him to do. He wasn’t filling the role He had been filling for them. He was filling the ultimate role His Heavenly Father had mapped out for Him since the beginning of time. 
Read the following verses and answer the question that follows each:
Matthew 20:28 What did Jesus give as a ransom for many? 
Luke 9:22 What does Jesus predict?
John 10:10b. What did Jesus come to earth to do?

Jesus’ family knew He was special. They witnessed His miracles but their idea of what He should do with this power He possessed was indeed different than what His was doing. He preached things that caused Him to be despised by the priests and the leaders of the Jewish faith. 

Read Mark 3:20-21. What did Jesus’ family think and try to do in these verses? 

Jesus’ earthly family had a certain expectation of who Jesus was. Like us, their view was limited by the parameters they had placed around Him in their minds. Jesus, is more than His family could ever imagine and as Jesus was preaching, teaching and healing, He stirred up controversy. His family wanted Him to calm down and come home. Could it be that His behavior scared them? Were they embarrassed? Where they angry? Whatever the reason, they missed the Jesus they had always known. 
Has your view of who Jesus is to you ever been challenged by something you have seen Him do or allow in your life? Explain.

James was no exception. He thought his brother Jesus was just his brother and not much more. I’m sure he was amazed at the miracles and the powerful teaching of Jesus, but when Jesus stepped out of the box that He had always fit in, James didn’t believe Him and thought that he was “crazy.”

As we begin to study the book of James, we will learn how James’ view changed after seeing and believing in the resurrected Jesus. In our study we will learn from a person with a unique perspective. James grew up with Jesus and now bowed to Him as Lord. It’s from this vantage point we can learn and grow as we study together.
Be ready to learn things that may or may not fit your expectations of how a person should live and behave as a believer. Maybe you aren’t a believer and are just seeking to know more about Jesus and the possibility of following Him. The Book of James will give you a new way to view Jesus and the way those who love, serve and call Him Lord should live their lives.


  1. Thank you for doing the bible studies.

  2. You are welcome. Thanks for studying with me.

  3. Hi Carrie, do you have the whole study as a document file that we could print and have bound?

  4. Shawn I have my older version, but this is a re-write. I can send you what I have each day on PDF. I do have my Study of Acts I could send to you. I just did that one.

  5. Hey Carrie! Doing this one with you! You are a blessing. Love & appreciat what you are doing. The simplicity is so refreshing. I kinda feel like the Word gets watered down at times, but that isn't the case with your study. God bless!


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