Friday, February 1, 2013

A Lesson From Leftovers

1. Read Mark 6:14-29. Briefly summarize what takes place in these verses.

King Herod has heard about the miracles Jesus was doing and he was afraid because he had heard rumors Jesus was really John the Baptist had been raised from the dead. Herod had reason to be afraid because he had just had John murdered. Two of Jesus’ disciples, Andrew and John, (see John 1:44)  had previously been John the Baptist’s disciples before they began following Jesus. So when they heard the news of John’s death, by Herod’s order, they were more than likely distressed from grief and fear. Even though they had just returned from going from town-to-town casting out demons and healing the sick, this news brought them down quickly from their high of the successful missionary work Jesus had just sent them on.

2. Can you think of a time when you had a wonderful spiritual high only to come down with a crash after devastating news? Describe what you felt at the time?

It is from this spiritual high the disciples had fallen from when they heard the news of John the Baptist’s murder. They were tired and distressed. Jesus knew this and wanted to get them alone to rest and spend some alone time with Him to heal and be comforted.

3. Read Mark 6:30-31. What does verse 30 tell us about the conversation the disciples had with Jesus? What was Jesus response to them in verse 31?

The word “rest” comes from a Greek word that describes it “like the relaxing or letting down of chords or strings which have been strained or drawn tight.” This describes stress rather well don’t you think? We have all had stress like this, some more that others. Jesus saw the disciples needed rest from all their worries, sorrow and even the great missionary trip as well.

4. Why do you think it is so important to get away from stressful situations, whether good or bad, and spend time alone with Jesus? Have you ever taken the time to do so? If so, describe an experience you’ve had. If not, why not?

Jesus knew their need for time alone with Him so the disciples could get some rest. So they got in their boat and headed to a solitary place. But, some people saw them and followed them. So much for time alone. Let’s see what happens next.

5. Read Mark 6:32-34. How did the people who recognized Jesus and His disciples, get to where Jesus had gone?  What did Jesus feel for them? What did He do for them?

When they got to shore, the crowd of people were there waiting for Jesus. Jesus had great compassion on these folks. They were looking for hope and healing and thought they’d find it in Jesus. Little did they know how right they were. Jesus was going to give them a wonderful lesson and feed them too.

6. Read Mark 6:35-38. What time of day was it? What did the disciples say to Jesus? What was Jesus tell them to do? What was the disciples response? What did Jesus ask them? What was their answer?

Remember, the disciples were bone-tired from the mission Jesus had just sent them on in the surrounding villages. Not only that, but they had lost someone very dear to them. Maybe they were thinking, “Hey you said we’d get some rest and now look at all these people! You want us to feed them? We’re hungry ourselves. All we have are five loaves of bread and two fish. There are twelve of us and that isn’t even enough to feed all of us. How do you expect us to feed this mob?” 

7. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you needed some rest and refreshment and ended up taking care of someone else? How did you react towards God?

8. Read Mark 6:39-44. What did Jesus direct the disciples to do? What, then, did Jesus do? How much food was left over? Why do you think Jesus had the disciples pick up the leftovers?

What was to be a time of rest and renewal became a great lesson on God’s provision. Jesus was teaching the disciples to see where their hope lies in. Renewal became relearning what to do in times of overwhelming need. Jesus, took what the disciples gave Him, gave thanks to God the Father and provided more than enough to fill the empty bellies of all the people and the disciples. Everyone was satisfied.

After everyone had eaten, Jesus had the disciples pick up the leftovers. Do you think it may have been to have them physically take the extra provision God had given? I do. I think when we experience things both visually and physically we learn a better. Jesus often taught about and showed the extravagant gifts of the Father.

2 Corinthians 9:9-11. ”As the Scriptures say, “They share freely and give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever.” For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you.  Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God.”

The disciples were learning from the Master Himself that provision of our needs comes from the hand of God. He provides what we need when we need it even when we don’t see where it could possibly come from. God does provide and increases our resources when we turn to Him and ask with a thankful heart. We can expect Him to provide us with what we need. It may not come in the way we thought, but God is faithful and will provide.

9. Read Mark 6:45-46. After this miraculous picnic, what did Jesus make the disciples do? What did Jesus do?

Jesus needed time alone with His father. So He sent His disciples on to the next town and spent time on the mountain top talking with God. Jesus knew where to be refreshed and renewed so He went out alone. We should take this example and spend time everyday with the One who knows us best and loves us most. Since He is the Source of our provision we should seek to spend time with Him and allow Him to love and renew us. Jesus knew the importance of spending time with His Father.

10. Read Mark 6:47-50. What was happening to the disciples in their boat when Jesus was on land? What happened next?

I can’t imagine what it must have been like to see Jesus walking on the water. This is another example of God doing something so out of the ordinary we wouldn’t even think of it as a solution to our problem. God has a way of doing things so extraordinary it couldn’t possibly come from anyone but Him. On this night and in this storm God the Son walked through a storm, on water, to rescue those He loved. He will do the same for all those He loves. Maybe not in the same way, but in a way perfectly matched for the need we are facing.

11. Read Mark 6:51-52. What did Jesus say to them? What happened when He climbed into the boat? Why were the disciples completely amazed?

Even though they had just experienced the miracle of feeding five thousand men (not counting women and children) they still didn’t fully understand what Jesus was teaching them about God’s provision. They didn’t cry out to God and ask for help. They were paralyzed in their fear. It wasn’t till Jesus spoke that they calmed down. Peace came immediately when they knew it was Him. After Jesus was crucified, resurrected and taken back to heaven, the disciples finally got it. This is miracle is the only one that is reported in all four Gospels  probably because it made such an impact on them.

12. What has made an impact on you from the two miracles we just studied?

13. Read Mark 6:53-56. Where did they land their boat? What happened as soon as they got out of the boat? What happened when people touched Jesus?

The people in Gennesaret knew who Jesus was and ran to Him with their sick and dying. Even when they touched the hem of His cloak they were healed. There is such power in the Name of Jesus. Do you recognize Him? Do you run to Him to meet your need? Jesus wants us to learn that provision comes from Him. Nowhere else can we find complete fulfillment. Let’s learn the lesson of the five loaves and two fish. Look up and give thanks to God for He alone is wholly faithful.

I Thessalonians 5:23-24. “Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful."

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