Thursday, January 20, 2011

Study of Prayer ~ Week One Lesson Four

 “Extolling God”
Extolling God, what is that? The dictionary defines it as, “To praise lavishly.” So, what does it mean to praise lavishly? Looking further, I discovered it to mean, “To proclaim excellence repeatedly and abundantly.” Our praise to God in our prayer time shouldn’t be just a quick “Praise God!” but should extol Him, which means to proclaim His excellence repeatedly and abundantly!
Look up Psalm 34:1-3. Answer the following:
When are we to extol God? 
Who are we to boast in?
Sounds like an impossible task, doesn’t it? However, extolling God is acknowledging His supremacy over us. In and throughout our day, our attitude should be one where we extol God. In situations where we find ourselves crying out to Him, we must have the attitude that He is supreme and sovereign. 
Read 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. What three things does the Apostle Paul instruct the reader to do?
  1. ________________________________________________________
  2. ________________________________________________________
  3. ________________________________________________________
What reason does he give for these three things? 
Whoa! What a list! How can I be joyful always? How can I pray continuously? How can I give thanks in all circumstances? I know that it is God’s will for me in Christ Jesus but this seems impossible. Yet, if I am to extol God at all times, this is how I do it.
Let’s look at these three elements of extolling God at all times:
1.  Be Joyful Always
Read Philippians 4:4.  What do you think Paul is saying? 
Even though it goes against human reasoning, this verse teaches us an important lesson. Our inner feelings do not have to line up with what is currently happening to us. When we rejoice in the Lord, we acknowledge to ourselves and to God that He is superior to our circumstance. To extol God is to rejoice in Him.
Extol God by rejoicing in Him always!
2. Pray Continuously 
Staying on our knees 24/7 is an impossible task. The command to pray continuously means to have a constant prayerful attitude that keeps the communication open with the Lord. This attitude is built upon the solid foundation of God’s supremacy and sovereignty. Christians should realize their dependence on God and tap into His power. Our obedience to Him is essential in our walk with Him. These elements make up the continuous life of prayer.
Look up the following scriptures and describe what each one says about prayer:
Luke 18:1 ____________________________________________________________________
Romans 12:12 _________________________________________________________________
Ephesians 6:18 ________________________________________________________________
Colossians 4:2 _________________________________________________________________
In essence, our Christian walk is to be one of consistent and continual prayer. We must have regular prayer times alone with God. There are quick, “I need you to intervene now!” prayers throughout our day and other types of prayers, but our lives should have a prayerful attitude acknowledging God’s supremacy over us. We extol God in our continuous prayers.
Extol God through continuous prayer!
3. Give Thanks in All Circumstances
Look up the following scriptures and describe what each one says about thanks or praise to God:
Colossians 3:17 ________________________________________________________________
Hebrews 13:15 ________________________________________________________________
These passages teach us that in our lives, all we do and say, must be lives of praise and thanksgiving. We can’t do it on our own power. The source of power to give praise or thanksgiving is given to us by the power of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God. Sometimes we don’t feel like praising God. This is when sacrifice becomes a real part of our praise to God. 
Extol God through giving thanks in all circumstances!
Glorifying God in prayer should consist of extolling Him. We must proclaim His excellence repeatedly and abundantly. Rejoice always in Him. Pray continuously to Him. Thank Him in all circumstances through Jesus Christ and His power given to us by His Holy Spirit. Hallelujah, what a Savior!!!
Prayer Time
Go to your Prayer Journal and write out a prayer extolling God. Allow the power of the Holy Spirit to flow through you, to your pen and on to the paper. Glorify God! 
Discussion Questions

Extolling God, what is that? The dictionary defines it as, “To praise lavishly.” So, what does it mean to praise lavishly?

What does it mean to be joyful always as the Apostle Paul writes in Philippians 4:4?

How is it possible to pray continuously and give thanks in all circumstances? 

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