Friday, December 10, 2010

The Book of Romans ~ Lesson Sixteen

"Lean Yourself Upon Him"

Romans 8:18-27 (NIRV) What we are suffering now is nothing compared with the glory that will be shown in us. Everything God created looks forward to the time when his children will appear in their full and final glory. The created world was bound to fail. But that was not the result of its own choice. It was planned that way by the One who made it. God planned to set the created world free. He didn't want it to rot away completely. Instead, he wanted it to have the same glorious freedom that his children have.
   We know that all that God created has been groaning. It is in pain as if it were giving birth to a child. The created world continues to groan even now. And that's not all. We have the Holy Spirit as the promise of future blessing. But we also groan inside ourselves as we look forward to the time when God will adopt us as full members of his family. Then he will give us everything he has for us. He will raise our bodies and give glory to them.
   That's the hope we had when we were saved. But hope that can be seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? We hope for what we don't have yet. So we are patient as we wait for it.
   In the same way, the Holy Spirit helps us when we are weak. We don't know what we should pray for. But the Spirit himself prays for us. He prays with groans too deep for words. God, who looks into our hearts, knows the mind of the Spirit. And the Spirit prays for God's people just as God wants him to pray.

Today is a hard day for my friend's family. Her dad passed away Sunday and left a big hole in their hearts. W.D. was a good man, funny and kind. According to my friend he was a very wise and discerning parent who knew how to raise children to be good people. He loved Jesus, his wife, his girls, his family, his friends, his community and they loved him back. He had been sick this past few months and I know my friend was concerned. Finally, on Sunday, Jesus escorted him into heaven.

That's grief. I know this grief as many of you know it. Death entered into this world when sin entered it  back in the Garden of Eden. When man was banished from the garden, grief escorted them out. The world had changed. But, because of God's love for His creation He promised a way out. He promised full renewal and a return to the Garden one day. Jesus will escort His family home one day.

Because of sin we groan in pain. The world groans in pain. My niece delivered a big strapping boy on Tuesday. She knew she was having a boy and a big one at that. 10 pounds 8 ounces. She was so uncomfortable waiting in these last few weeks, she groaned in labor and finally this little one came into the world bringing relief and tremendous joy. She experienced pain laced with hope and expectation as she labored before his birth. Now she cuddles and loves this tiny bundle of hope, filling her and her family with great joy.

The world, God's creation, waits with the pains of this fallen world, for the hope of delivery from sin. Those who know Jesus realize they have Hope. With this Hope comes anticipation, peppered with the pains we experience in this world. God promised delivery from this pain caused so long ago when mankind sinned against Him. He sent a Savior, Jesus, to make a way to Him and out of sin's painful chains. Those who accept Jesus are given the promise of a new life, a new body and eternity that will be the most enjoyable experience ever. With this Hope in our hearts and minds we wait patiently and trust that what He promised will come to pass.

2 Peter 3:13 (NIRV) We are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth. Godliness will make its home there. All of this is in keeping with God's promise.

While we wait for the day of Christ's return, we often have trouble praying. You know sometimes when I pray, all I can do is cry. How about you? I know my friend is crying now as she mourns her father's death. God, in His great wisdom and mercy knows our limitation and because of this He gives those who call Him their God, His Holy Spirit to interpret the cries, the groans and moans for us. If we just lay our heads on His chest in obedience, He prays for us. What other "god" can do that? There is none.

Ephesians 6:18 (NLT) Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.

Allowing the Holy Spirit to pray for you is always the best way to pray. Do you know how to pray? Do you depend on your own words? Maybe, like me, you feel your prayers hit the ceiling and fall flat to the ground in front of you. I am learning to sit at His feet and allow Him to pray for me. Imagine hearing Jesus pray for His disciples before He was crucified. Oh what an awesome experience these men and women had. Now, imagine Him praying specifically for you. His prayer covers every aspect of your life and every need. The joy would be tremendous. The relief would be sublime. We don't have to imagine it because we can experience it now. The Holy Spirit, dwelling fully within each believer, is ready to pray for us now when we allow Him to.

Psalm 37:7a (Amplified) Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him...

Oh what a relief when I "lean myself upon Him." Allowing His Holy Spirit to pray over us, in us and through us is the best prayer possible. It fills us with joy and releases the pain we feel as we go through tough times in this temporary state here on earth. Jesus is our Hope. His Holy Spirit resides in each believer fully. How about you, will you "lean yourself upon Him" with me? There is rest in that position. There is Hope eternal. Lay your head down on Him for He is capable far beyond your imagination.

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