Friday, February 25, 2011

Prayer Study Week Six Lesson One

“Our Need of God”

Asking for help is a hard one for me.  Let me just see if I can do it first, then ~ MAYBE ~ I will ask for help. The truth is that I do need help, we all do. Calling on God is not a sign of weakness. It shows that we recognize that He is greater than we are. This week's lessons will focus on supplication or petitioning God ~ asking Him for help. The first step in that process is recognizing that we are in need of Him. 

Because we are not God, we are in need of Him. It sounds too simplistic doesn’t it? We are in need and God is the only one who can supply our needs. So we go to God with our needs and with humble attitudes that He is greater and we are not.  We have studied God’s position and our position. In order to have a right relationship with God, we must recognize His authority over us and fully respect this. This is essential to our communication with God. We want Him to hear us and answer us with His divinely perfect will.

The Greek word for “petition” is “deesis” and means “supplication, request, and prayer for particular benefits.” As Christians we are to bring our requests to God. Its ok, in fact it is to be part of our prayer time. By coming to God with our needs we are admitting that we have need of Him. Great need!

Read Philippians 4:6. What kinds of things are we to bring before the Lord?

What can’t we bring to God?

Did you see it? We are to bring everything to Him. It’s ok. There is no guilt in admitting our need to Him. I have often heard people say that they do not want to bother the Lord with their little problems. For some reason we save our requests for the “BIG” issues of life. People say things like, “Just answer this one God and I will never bother You again” or “If You give me this request I will devote my self to You the rest of my life.” 

Our prayer time becomes a bargaining time with God. Does this sound familiar to you? It does to me, because I’ve done it myself. We learn from His Word that He doesn’t work that way. God is very up front with us. He says to rejoice, be gentle, don’t be anxious and ask Him to fill our needs. He is faithful. He desires nothing from us but our love and obedience to Him.

Over this last week of our study on “Prayer” we will break down the petition part of our prayers. Let’s begin by reading the following scripture passage and see what we can learn at the feet of God through His Word.

Read 1 Timothy 2:1-6 and answer the following:

Verse 1- What does Paul urge the believer to do?

Verse 2– What does Paul include that we are to pray for? 


Verse 3– Why does Paul say that this good? 

Verse 4- What does God our Savior want for everyone? 

Verse 5 – Who is the mediator between God and man?

Verse 6- How did Christ make this mediation between God and mankind possible? 

The Apostle Paul is urging us to seek God in all things. In other words He is the source for all of our needs. There is no better or more perfect source than at the feet of our Heavenly Father.

We see that in the first two verses we are to present our:

And he states we are to do it for three groups of people. These include:
All those in authority

He then gives us the reason for this:
To live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
It is good and pleasing to God.
God wants all people to be saved and come to knowledge of the truth.

When we say our prayers, they should not just be only for ourselves and those we love, but for everyone we know, for the government and other authorities. Remember that prayer is our response to God and we are seeking His will concerning who and what we are praying for. When pray, we are not giving God our ideas or plans for these people, but rather we are asking God for His plan.

We have learned that God is the Supreme Ruler and Authority and that we are to submit ourselves before Him. As we see in 1 Timothy 2:5-6, Paul states, “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all men – the testimony given in its proper time.”

We can approach God because of two things:
God has given us the way.
Jesus has made the way.

It is essential to recognize that God has given us the way to approach Him through His Son Jesus Christ. And Jesus has made the way through His selfless act of paying our ransom through His death and victory over it.

I never want to forget what it took for me to enter the Holy of Holies and approach the Throne of God. So often I do forget when I casually throw up a prayer. My ability to pray at all came at a tremendous cost. It cost Jesus His life. He paid for my life and the forgiveness of the debt of my sin with His life and He sits at the right hand of the Father bidding me to come and enter and communicate with the Creator of the Universe ~ the Creator of my heart.

Read John 14:6. Write out the verse: 

Apply this verse to prayer.

We need Jesus. We are in great need of Him because He is the only way to God. As we learn more about asking God to fill our needs through Jesus, we must admit that we are in need of Him. There is no one greater, no one able to fulfill the physical, mental and spiritual needs we have.

Prayer Time
Go to your prayer journal and admit your need of Jesus. He is the only way to God. Lay all you ideas down and approach God with a heart ready to receive God’s best for you and those who are in your life and those who affect your life. Ask God to reveal His perfect plan. Learn to trust that He knows best. God is waiting to hear you and answer you. Open your heart to Him.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled.
 Trust in God; trust also in Me.” John 14:1

Discussion Questions
1. Calling on God is not a sign of weakness. It shows that you recognize that God is greater than you are. Why do we need God?

2. You are to bring everything to God. There is no guilt in admitting your need to Him. Are there certain things that you feel you shouldn’t bother God with? 

3. When you pray, your prayers should not only be for yourself and those you love, but for everyone you know, for the government and other authorities over you. How can you pray for those in authority when you don’t like them, even hate them, their policies and laws? And if you do pray for them, how should you pray for them?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Prayer Study Group Lesson Week Six

“Deliver Us From Evil”
Jesus added “Deliver us from evil” to the prayer He taught His disciples. It is so important that we understand that deliverance from evil comes solely from God. Without Jesus and the redemption that He brings to us, we are helpless against the enemy.
What do we do when we face evil? James, the half-brother of Jesus, taught this:
James 4:7 (NLT) So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
It takes a humble heart, one that is bowed low to Christ’s authority, to resist the devil. When we resist through the power found in Jesus, the devil will flee.
When we submit to Jesus, we come under His authority and protection. When we function in our own power we cannot resist. The devil will keep pursuing us. 
1 Peter 5:7-9 (NLT) 7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
    8 Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 9 Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering you are.

“The Lion and It’s Prey”
Lions often work together when they hunt. This cooperation increases their chances of getting food. Most of the hunting is done by the lionesses which divide into two teams. One team circles around ahead of the prey. When they are in place, the second group shows itself and scares the animals. The frightened victims stampede and are chased into the first group of lions. Most of the hunting is done at night, because lions have excellent hearing and eyesight. Their hearing is so good, they can hear prey that is more than a mile away. Lions’ eyes are the biggest of any meat-eating animal. Like the eyes of other cats, they are specially designed for seeing at night.
The roaring lion is a great example of how we fall into sin and why we need to stay alert. The first group of lions represent the devil lying in wait to devour us. The second group of lions is the temptation that exposes us to sin. We are the most vulnerable during this time. When we succumb to the temptation we run right into the devil’s trap and we are devoured by him.  We get lost in our sin, tangled up with guilt. 
The good news is this; we have a Redeemer who offers us a way out when we sin. But, the best defense against the evil one is to resist him and stand behind our great Warrior Jesus. When we refuse the lure of sin and keep our eyes on Him, we  remain safe in Jesus. He does the fighting for us.
There are three stages of temptation:
  1. Evil desire.
  2. Sin.
  3. Death
We all have desires. And these desires aren’t all bad. For example, I have a great desire to be loved and to love. But, that desire becomes sin when it is twisted and warped adultery that disguises itself in the cloak of false love. The sin is when a person succumbs to the temptation to go outside of marriage to fulfill this desire to be loved. Sin always leads to death. It can kill a marriage. It kills the spirit. It puts a wedge in our relationship with God.
Our protection comes from Jesus. He gives us the armor to do battle with evil with Him as our Leader and Protector.
Ephesians 6:10-18 (NLT)  10 A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. 12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
   13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. 14 Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. 15 For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. 16 In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. 17 Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
 18 Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.
Our Defense
The belt: This is where the sword was hung and the word describe it as the belt of truth.
1 John 2:20-21 (NLT) 20 But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth. 21 I do not write to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it and because no lie comes from the truth.
The sword: Represents the Spirit. His Spirit is powerful, more powerful than any other power.
Hebrews 4:12 (NLT) For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.
The breastplate: It is a coat of mail that covers all the vital organs. It is known as the breastplate of righteousness. It protects our heart. Remember righteousness is defined as having a right relationship with God.
Psalm 40:10 (NIV) 10 I do not hide your righteousness in my heart; I speak of your faithfulness and your saving help. I do not conceal your love and your faithfulness from the great assembly.
The shoes: Are really know as “greaves” or shin guards. They protect the legs. We stand with the shoes (greaves) of readiness to share the good news. Without this protection, our walk is hampered and vulnerable to injury. 
Romans 10:14-15 (NLT) 14 But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? 15 And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!”
The shield: The Roman shield was covered with leather, soaked in water and was used to extinguish flaming arrows. The shield described in Ephesians 6:16 is the shield of faith. It stops the fiery arrows of the evil one.
Psalm 92:4 (NLT) He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings.His faithful promises are your armor and protection.
The helmet: It surrounds the head and covers it, protecting the brain and all it does for the body. The helmet is known as the helmet of salvation. Our minds, the decision making part of us, must choose to wear the helmet of salvation. It is a personal choice to accept Jesus and be saved. Every decision we make must be based on our Hope of Salvation ~ Jesus. When we chose the salvation Jesus offers, there is no hope of survival.
Exodus 15:1-3 (NLT) 1 Then Moses and the people of Israel sang this song to the Lord: “I will sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously; he has hurled both horse and rider into the sea. 2 The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory. This is my God, and I will praise him—my father’s God, and I will exalt him! 3 The Lord is a warrior; Yahweh is his name!
Not only does God deliver us from evil, He gives us protection to wear. It comes by choice. We have to choose to stand behind Him and by faith wear the armor He provides for us. We submit to His authority and protection by faith. This is our only protection from the evil one. Let’s put on the armor and stand behind our Savior for He alone can “deliver us from evil.”

Prayer Study Week Five Lesson Five

“The Fellowship of Thanksgiving”

Today’s lesson will focus on our fellowship with Jesus Christ. This fellowship is the basis for all we are as believers in Him. And yet we neglect this portion of our thanksgiving so often. Can you picture yourself at a party given in your honor by a dear friend? All around you are the things you love and enjoy in life. You enjoy the punch and cake (for me in would be coffee and key lime pie) and talk with all your friends and family. Laughter fills the room. You fellowship or interact with everyone and forget the dear friend who threw the party for you. You never get around to enjoying their company and forget to thank them for this great celebration they have prepared for you. Does this story sound ridiculous? Yet, this is what we do to Jesus. We forget to talk to Him and thank Him for all He has done for us.

Read 1 Corinthians 1:4-9. (NIV) Write out verse nine and circle the words “called,” “fellowship” and “faithful.”

The Holy God, Creator of the universe, has called you and me into fellowship with His most precious Son Jesus. We are called into this relationship by God who is faithful. In other words, God has invited us into a relationship with God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit. This is a relationship like none other because it involves the “Three-in-One” ~ who are called Faithful and True. God expects us to participate faithfully as well.

The Invitation
Let’s look at the first word I asked you to circle in 1 Corinthians 1:9. The Greek word for “called” is “kaleio” and “means to call, summon or appoint; to name; to invite.”

We are going to draw our attention to the word “invite.” Our invitation, sent by God, is a divine invitation to salvation and eternal life with Him.

Read Hebrews 3:1. What are we as believers to share in?

What are we to focus on?

Whoa! Our invitation to participate in a relationship with Jesus is a heavenly calling. So often I forget the magnitude of this invitation. I become presumptive of it and ride rough shod over it, neglecting this holy calling. God sent His only Son to this earth to invite us into fellowship with Him. Now that’s some invitation.

Read 2 Timothy 1:8-10. Focus on verse 9. What has God called us to?


There is a plan and a purpose for everyone based on the grace of God.  He has sent us an invitation brought to us by the Holy Spirit. He did not send out the invitation just for the fun of it. He issued His call to us specifically to line up with His purpose of grace. The rest is up to us. The question is: Do we accept His invitation to fellowship with Him?

Read Romans 8:28. Write out this verse:

We are called (invited) according to His purpose. God, in His great wisdom, has called us for His divine purpose. He invites us into a relationship with Him. This relationship is one in which the Triune God ~ God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit already participate in together. It is full of perfect love and joy. It is delightful and God wants us to join in.

Fellowship with the King
Turn to Acts 2:42-47. These six verses talk about our fellowship as believers. This is how we are called to participate with Christ and His body (other believers). We will go verse by verse to help define what we are called into fellowship for:

Verse 42- What four things did this group of believers devote themselves to?
1. ______________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

Verse 43- Because of their devotion, everyone was filled with awe. They were participating in this holy relationship with King Jesus. What did they witness? 

Verse 44- When believers are in fellowship with Jesus and with each other what is the result?

Verse 45- What is the action taking place in this verse?

Verse 46- What did the believers do in this verse?

Verse 47- The result of their fellowship as believers was exhibited in two ways. What are they? 

In the second half of this verse, God shows His favor by doing what?

These few verses describe a party that is going on. Believers are called to participate in a right relationship with God and others.  We are to study God’s Word, meet together regularly, be nourished and join in prayer together as well as individually. “Self” is not priority.

A giving of ourselves is required so that by our gifts we help provide, through the power of the Holy Spirit, for the needs of others. We are provided for as well. All are provided for. This is unity. By this we will see God’s hand move.

By participating in a right relationship with Christ, we speak to Him in our prayers and enjoy His favor. The results of our relationship, our active participation, will result in God’s blessing. More and more people will come into relationship with God by giving control of their lives to Jesus. Our thanksgiving should reflect this in our prayers and praise to our God.

We have learned that God has invited us into a relationship with Him. He offers us His fellowship, which is our inclusion into the holy relationship of ~ God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit. God is faithful forever and ever. Best of all, He gave us His most precious Son Jesus to make this fellowship possible. And Jesus is coming again!!

Prayer Time
Go to your Prayer Journal and take this time to thank Him for His faithfulness. Spend some time enjoying the fellowship of God. Let Him talk too. Be still and know that He is God.

“I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True.” Revelation 19:11a

Enjoy the fellowship of the Mighty One. 
He loves you infinitely. Love Him too.

Discussion Questions
1. The Holy God, Creator of the universe, has called you and me into fellowship with His most precious Son Jesus. God expects us to participate faithfully as well. How are you doing in your time spent in fellowship with Him? Describe.

2. Believers are called to participate in a right relationship with God and others Followers of Christ Jesus. How do you or don’t you participate in fellowship with other believers? Explain.

3. When we enter into fellowship with Jesus, we will see Him faithful in all things. How have you experienced the evidence of God’s faithfulness? If you haven’t, why don’t you think this is so?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Prayer Study Week Five Lesson Four

“Thanksgiving for Strength and Blamelessness”

Let’s begin today’s lesson by reviewing 1 Corinthians 1:4-9.
Now fill in the following blanks from 1 Corinthians 1:8 (NIV):
“He will _______________ you ___________________ to the end, so that you will be __________________ on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

From this verse we see two benefits of the grace given to us as believers in Jesus the Holy One of God:

Sometimes I forget that I am filled with the Holy Spirit of the Living God. That sounded so weird when I wrote it, but really it is so true at times. I depend on myself too often. Why don’t I remember that the Holy Spirit is the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead and gives us victory over sin and death? It’s like dying of thirst when there is a deep well full of cool, clean, refreshing water right before me.

Turn to Romans 8:11. What is the common denominator between Christ’s resurrection from death and our mortal bodies?

Do you see the power? This power resides within you and me. My human mind has a hard time getting a grasp of this concept. So, I want us to go further into these verses.

Read Romans 8:16. Write out this verse:

It is not with my mind, a mind limited by this mortal body, but with my spirit that the Holy Spirit testifies. And because my spirit is created in His image and is eternal in nature, my spirit receives the truth of the Holy Spirit. The truth is I am a child of the Almighty.

Read on in verse 17. Who does the Spirit say we are?

What do we share with Jesus?

As co-heirs with Christ, we have the power of the Living God residing in us. Just as Christ suffered on this earth and was raised to glory, so shall we be. Life is hard on this earth. Everyone ~ believers and nonbelievers ~ have pain. But, believers have an eternal inheritance with Christ Jesus that promises joy and strength in the midst of it all. We share in His glory.

Read James 1:12. Who does this verse say is blessed?

What will this person receive?

We will receive and wear the crown of life when we reach heaven after our mortal bodies fail and die. God’s strength is given to us by the Holy Spirit while on this earth. God provides us with His strength. This gives us a great reason to express our thanks to Him in prayer and in the actions of our lives.

The Greek word used for “keep strong” is “bebaioo” and means “to make firm or reliable so as to warrant security and inspire confidence. It means to strengthen, make true, fulfill.” Wow! Firm and reliable ~ security and confidence ~ fulfillment. It seems to me that everyone is looking for all of the above. Believers in Jesus receive all of the promises of God to their fullest.

The world of flesh turns our heads away from the true source of strength, security, confidence and fulfillment. The distractions that this world offers keep us from experiencing all that God has for us. Keeping our eyes on Him gives us security and confidence as we walk on this failing earth. We are kept strong through the power of the Holy Spirit residing in us so that we will be blameless before Christ when He comes to judge the world.

Read 1 Thessalonians 3:13. (NIV) Fill in the blanks: 

“May He _____________________ your ______________ so that you will be __________________________ and ____________ in the presence of our _________ and _________________ when our ____________ Jesus ______________ with all His holy ones.”

Notice the word “blameless”. It is used with the word “holy”. To go before the presence of the Holy God, we must be holy. The Greek word for “blameless” is “anenkletos” and means “unaccused, free from any legal charge at all.” It really means that the charges pending against us are dropped! When Christ comes and all people stand before His judgment seat, those who gave their lives to the mercy of Christ and were His on earth will be declared “not guilty.” Those who didn’t give their lives to Him will receive the torture of a living death without Him. We, however, receive the inheritance we will share with the King Himself ~ Jesus!

Read Colossians 1:21-23 Who were we alienated from? (Verse 21)Why? 

How are we reconciled to God?  (Verse 22

There is an “if” to our reconciliation. What is it? (Verse 23a)

Who has the gospel been proclaimed to? (Verse 23b)

In our sinful nature we are separated from God. The gap between us is an infinite chasm created by our sin. There is no way across it without help. Christ is the (only) blameless one to make a way. He is the only way. But, just because there is a way to God the rest is up to us. He does not force us to go. The decision is ours. We move toward God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and this requires action on our part. It isn’t enough just to believe, but we must move forward by faith.

Prayer Time
When we choose Christ ~ our way to God ~ God only sees what Christ has done for us and not our sin. Go to your Prayer Journal and express your joy Godward for these gifts of strength and blamelessness.

Discussion Questions
1. What are the two benefits of the grace given to us as believers in Jesus the Holy One of God that we learned about in this lesson? What do they mean to a Follower of Christ?

2. It is not with your mind, a mind limited by this mortal body, but with your spirit the Holy Spirit testifies. And because your spirit is created in His image and is eternal in nature, it receives the truth of the Holy Spirit. The truth is you are a child of the Almighty. How can you apply this Truth to your life?

3. As co-heirs with Christ, we have the power of the Living God residing in us. Just as Christ suffered on this earth and was raised to glory, and so will we be raised. Life is hard on this earth. Everyone ~ believers and nonbelievers ~ have pain. Describe the power given to the Follower of Christ.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Prayer Study Week Five Lesson Three

“Thanksgiving for Spiritual Gifts”

Let’s learn more about “Expressing Our Joy Godward” Turn again to 1Corinthians 1:4-9.

Write out 1 Corinthians 1:7.

Those who are followers of Jesus, the Holy One of God, do not lack any spiritual gift as we eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. In other words, we are supplied with all we need to live out our lives on this earth as we anticipate the Lord’s return. He didn’t just leave us stranded, but supplies us with everything we need.

Each follower of Christ has been given spiritual gifts to lift up or edify other believers and to draw the unbeliever, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to Jesus. We must be willing and obedient to use these gifts. Do not let your gifts sit idle or be timid about using them. The Lord intends for us to use our gifts that He gave us.

Read Matthew 25:14-30. What is the meaning of this parable? 

We are all given certain gifts and we must be obedient to God and use them. By using your spiritual gifts, you are expressing your joy Godward. You thank Him through your actions, not just in words.

Read 2 Timothy 1: 6-7. What are we to do with the gift(s) given to us?

What did God NOT give us? 

What DID He give us?

If you are timid, this timidity is not from God. It is not one of His gifts. It stands in direct contrast to what the Holy Spirit does give us which is power, love and self-discipline. We express our joy Godward by renouncing timidity as a lie of the evil one and by accepting the gifts that God gives us.

Read 1 Timothy 4:14. What are we not to neglect? Why?

Have you ever given a gift to someone and they received it with a lot less enthusiasm than you wanted them to have? It hurt you, didn’t it? I know that I feel a great deal of deflation when this happens. For me, I know how much thought I put into the gift and to see the gift pushed to the side with the recipient looking at me with a look of, “Is this all you have?” or “I wanted what you gave her!” This makes me sad. It hurts me. I am disappointed. The same is true with the Holy Spirit. We grieve Him when we push our gifts aside, the ones He tailor made for us.

Read the following passages and fill in the blanks: 
1 Thessalonians 5:19. (NIV) “Do not _________ _________ the Spirit’s ______________...”

Ephesians 4:30 (NIV) “And do not _________________ the Holy Spirit of God, with who you were sealed for the day of redemption.”

We grieve the Holy Spirit and put out His fire in our lives when we do not use our spiritual gifts and are not thankful for them. When we succumb to lies of the evil one like, “You’re not good enough.” or, “Do you really have that gift or do you just think you have that gift?” Or, “It will look like you think that you are better that everyone if you use your gift.” or, how about this one, “Don’t draw attention to myself.” When we say these things we grieve the Holy Spirit and His fire inside us is dimmed.

What does Jesus say about the light given to us in Matthew 5:14 –16

The light we shine when we use the gifts and talents from God draw others to Him. Maybe you aren’t sure what your gifts are. Let me assure you that your do have gifts. If you ask God He will reveal what gifts He has placed within you. In fact, He is excited to do it.

Prayer Time
Go to your Prayer Journal and express your joy Godward for the gifts that He has given you. Confess any unbelief, neglect or ungratefulness you have for your spiritual gift(s).

Discussion Questions
1. As believers in Jesus, the Holy One of God, we do not lack any spiritual gift. Do you believe that you have been given any spiritual gifts? Why or why not? Do you know what they are?

2. If you are timid, this timidity is not from God. It is not one of His gifts Are you timid? How is it affecting your life? 

3. The evil one wants for us to believe his lies about who we are and what we have been given by God. Have you or are you believing those lies? Explain.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Prayer Study Week Five Lesson Two

“Testimony of Thanksgiving”

Day One set the stage for week five, “Thanksgiving in Prayer” We’ve learned that Thanksgiving is the expression of joy Godward. Our God is the Supplier of the joy that results in our thanksgiving.

Turn to 1 Corinthians 1:4-9 and refresh your memory of the grace given to us by God through Jesus. There are five benefits of grace that we find there. We will be studying these five benefits this week. Refresh your memory by looking back at the beginning of Day One and list the benefits listed there:

Our lesson for today will focus on verse 6 of 1 Corinthians 1 ~ our testimony for Christ. We give thanks to God for the testimony of our faith confirmed in our lives and the lives of other believers. For example, when my daughter sings, I thank God for the testimony of her faith in Christ that she exhibits to those who hear her.

The dictionary defines “testimony” as “a declaration or confirmation of action or truth, as it is given before a court. It is evidence in support of a fact or assertion; proof.”

When a Christian gives testimony about God or Christ, people will hear Truth. They may or may not believe it, but vital testimony is given each time a believers testifies for Jesus. Each time testimony is given about the Holy One, it is confirmed by previous testimony given. The testimony about the Lord is infinite. He never runs out of witnesses to His Truth. You and I, if we are believers, are included on this witness and evidence list.

There are 3 areas of testimony that we will study today:

1. God’s testimony confirmed.
2. Christ’s testimony confirmed.
3. The Holy Spirit’s testimony confirmed.

These 3 areas of testimony are reasons for our thanksgiving. Each one gives us joy because Christ’s name and purpose is glorified. It brings God’s grace into clear view for all to see.

God’s Testimony Confirmed
Read John 5:31-32. Who do you think testifies in Christ’s favor?

Why is Jesus’ testimony alone not valid?

According to the legal system, of the Jews of that day, a person’s testimony of themselves was not sufficient nor accepted in court. There had to be another witness to validate the person’s testimony. Christ claimed the valid testimony of God. There is no better testimony than God the Father. God the Son relied on this rock solid testimony of Himself. His testimony is written throughout the Old Testament. This means that Jesus is who He says He is and we can depend on it. There is validity in the words and actions of our Lord Jesus through God the Father.

Read 1 John 5:6-12. Who are the three who testify? 

What do the water and blood symbolize? 

How does the Holy Spirit testify? 

When God testifies, He testifies by the power of the Triune God. The Spirit of the Living God testifies through the power of Himself, through water (baptism) and through blood (Christ’s death). We see His testimony exhibited in Christ, in His baptism and in His death. The results of His testimony are the resurrected life in Christ Jesus over the power of sin leading to death. It is because of this testimony that we give our thanks. We express our joy of Godward because of the truth in God’s own testimony. It is rock solid and we can stand firmly on it.

We give thanks for the testimony of God.

Christ’s Testimony Confirmed
Although Christ is God and their testimony is eternally linked, we need to learn about the testimony Christ gives.

Read Revelation 1:4-5. What 3 things does John call Jesus?

John calls Jesus “the faithful witness.” I love it! What a name! It describes Jesus’ testimony as one in which we can fully rely on. It is faithful, wholly true. Jesus, who is God and has been before time began, testifies that there is a way to a right relationship with God and an escape from the punishment of sin that is death.

Did you see that John also called Him “the firstborn from the dead”? This title of Jesus relates to His victory over death, making a way, the only way, to eternal life. John calls Him, “the ruler over the kings of this earth.” He is the King of Kings. There is no authority higher than His. Even though He is the highest authority, He still gave His testimony to us. He conquered death for us.

Christ’s testimony is simple. He testifies that He is the Way to the Father. Not only does He tell us the way, He shows us the way by His death and resurrection. Jesus is telling us to come and listen to Him because He has taken care of the separation between us and God. He’s made a way and He’s asking us to see what He has done, believe His words and seek Him. Call out to Him because He loves you so much. Turn away from the destruction and certain death this world offers. Turn around beloved and run to His arms. He is the only way! There is joy and peace and all the things you will ever need.

We give thanks for the testimony of Jesus.

The Holy Spirit’s Testimony Confirmed
Read Roman’s 8:16. What is the testimony of the Holy Spirit? 

The Holy Spirit testifies to the world and to God that we are children of the King. We share in His wealth. In verse 17 we read, “Now if we are children, then we are heirs ~ heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory.” Our inheritance is based on our relationship with God the Father made right by our belief in Jesus. It cannot be taken from us. The Holy Spirit testifies to this.

The Holy Spirit testifies to our inheritance in Christ.  He resides in us as a reminder to this truth. Softly He whispers His testimony of God in our ears. He shows us the wonders of God’s creation that bears witness to His glory. The Spirit moves us to praise and thanksgiving. This thanksgiving is further testimony of the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord for the testimony of His Holy Spirit.

We give thanks for the testimony of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer Time
What is your testimony? Can you testify to the Truth of Christ? Go to your Prayer Journal and take this opportunity to testify to God about what you believe about Him. Tell Him all that He has done for you. Express your joy Godward! 

Discussion Questions
1. When God testifies, He testifies by the power of the Triune God. Describe the testimony of God.

2. John calls Jesus “the faithful witness.” I love it! What a name! It describes Jesus’ testimony as one in which we can rely on. Describe the testimony of Jesus.

3. The Holy Spirit testifies to the world and to God that we are children of the King. Describe the testimony of the Holy Spirit.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Prayer Study Week Five Lesson One

“The Enrichment of Thanksgiving”

Thanksgiving is the expression of joy Godward. Our joy is supplied by God when we place our faith in Him. We do not supply our own joy. The joy we receive by faith, we express in our thanks to God. We receive joy because of the love He has for His Son Jesus. The relationship of the Triune God is one of love and delight. God is happy and full of joy. He celebrates when anyone places their trust in Him through Jesus. It delights Him. We are included in this delight-filled, happy, joyous and perfect love relationship enjoyed by ~ God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit. We are included because of one five-lettered word, “grace.” In our prayers we offer thanksgiving, the expression of our joy Godward, through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Read 1 Corinthians 1:4-9. (NIV) Fill in the blanks.
“I always ____________ God for you because of His ______________ given to you in Christ Jesus. For in Him you have been ____________________ in every way-in all your _________________ and in all your _________________________ because of our _______________________ about Christ was _____________________ in you. Therefore you do not lack any ______________________ ________________ as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. He will keep you _________________ to the end, so that you will be _____________________ on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God, who has called you into _________________________ with His Son Jesus Christ, is faithful.”

In these six verses we see God’s grace, love and faithfulness extended to those who love His Son Jesus. All six fall under the heading of “Grace.” Paul establishes the reason behind His thanksgiving ~ grace. Though Paul is writing to the Corinthian believers, the message transcends time to those who believe in Jesus now and through the generations to come. Every believer receives this grace through Jesus Christ. This is truly a reason for our thanksgiving.

Let’s look at the five benefits under the heading of “Grace Given” These benefits will in turn be the titles of the lessons for each day of this week:

“Grace Given”

Day One – “Enrichment of Thanksgiving” (In all speech and knowledge)

Day Two – “Testimony of Thanksgiving” (Confirmation)

Day Three – “Thanksgiving for Spiritual Gifts” (Not lacking)

Day Four – “Thanksgiving for Strength & Blamelessness” (Given until Christ’s return)

Day Five – “The Fellowship of Thanksgiving”(God is Faithful)

Understanding that grace through Jesus Christ is not just a nice word that we hear at church, but is the catalyst that stirs the embers of our faith and gives us reason to thank God through His delight of Jesus. Let’s begin by looking further into God’s grace where we find a treasure given to us by God for our benefit. His grace enriches us as we thank Him in our prayers and daily life.

Enrichment of Thanksgiving
By grace through Jesus, we are enriched in our speech and knowledge. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t realize that when I choose to walk in the grace of Jesus, through faith, I allow Him to control my tongue and my brain. When I say things that are cruel or selfish, I know that I am not walking in grace through faith. God enriches my life through faith, speech and knowledge. On my own I am limited when hard things come my way.

Read 2 Corinthians 8:7. What do we excel in grace through Jesus Christ?

What do you think about giving as part of our thanksgiving before God?

Again, Paul writes about the benefits of grace but adds earnestness, love and giving to the list. In our enriched speech and knowledge, action is required with earnestness, coupled with love, that results in the grace of giving. So often we think of giving back to God separate from our thanksgiving and prayer. It’s a vital part. We want to give our best to the Master in all areas of our lives.

Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-11. Summarize these verses and apply them to your life. Include how you are doing in your giving as part of your prayer life. How can you improve? 

With the power that comes through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, which we receive because of God’ grace, the believer is supplied with all they need for every good work that God asks us to do. The Bible tells us that God scatters His gifts to the poor.

Psalm 112:9 (NLT) They share freely and give generously to those in need. Their good deeds will be remembered forever. They will have influence and honor. 

The Greek word for “poor” is “penes” which means “poor, though able to help oneself through their own labor.”

God supplies what we need to do things for ourselves and others. We don’t just sit back and say, “God will do this for me,” or “God will take care of the needy.” No, God knows we are lacking the means on our own. He supplies the ability and strength so we can do good works for ourselves and others that bring glory to His Name. Giving is an essential part of our communication with God. It is acknowledging that He is the giver of all good gifts.

Read Malachi 3:10. What does this verse say we are to bring to God? Why?

What does the Lord say is the result?

You may be asking what tithing (giving the first 10th of all we have) has to do with God supplying us or enriching us for good works. Well, it means everything. Not only do we tithe our money, we tithe ourselves. We offer Him tithes of thanksgiving for all He gives to us. We offer thanksgiving for the benefits of His grace.

The world doesn’t work that way. It takes and takes, but doesn’t give back or supply any need. In the world we are on our own. The Bible says that His righteousness endures forever. (Psalm 112:3) His actions and His interaction are right with you and me. He gives us what we need to live on this earth and what we need for a right relationship with Him. God enriches all our speech and knowledge with the entirety of who He is. Our thanksgiving is a reflection of His enrichment.

Prayer Time
Go to your Prayer Journal and take the time to offer up to Him your thanksgiving for the enrichment He gives to you. Ask Him to reveal where you can improve on your giving. If you haven’t been giving back to God tell Him so and ask for His help and direction.

Discussion Questions
1. Thanksgiving is the expression of joy Godward. Our joy is supplied by God when we place our faith in Him. We do not supply our own joy. How do you express your thanksgiving to God in your prayer time and throughout the day?

2. By the grace found in Jesus, we are enriched in all speaking and knowledge. When I say things that are cruel or selfish, I know that I am not walking in grace through faith. God enriches my life through faith, speech and knowledge. Do you allow God to control you speech? Explain.

3. Again, Paul writes about the benefits of grace but adds earnestness, love and giving to the list. We want to give our best to the Master in all areas of our lives. What are your thoughts on giving back to God?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Prayer Study Group Lesson Week Five

“And Lead Us Not Into Temptation”

Temptation is always present in our lives. It’s always around from small to the large. Some temptations are easy to ignore and some are very hard.The Lord Himself experienced temptation before His public ministry began.

Luke 4:1-13 (Message) 1-2 Now Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wild. For forty wilderness days and nights he was tested by the Devil. He ate nothing during those days, and when the time was up he was hungry.
 3 The Devil, playing on his hunger, gave the first test: "Since you're God's Son, command this stone to turn into a loaf of bread."
 4 Jesus answered by quoting Deuteronomy: "It takes more than bread to really live."
 5-7 For the second test he led him up and spread out all the kingdoms of the earth on display at once. Then the Devil said, "They're yours in all their splendor to serve your pleasure. I'm in charge of them all and can turn them over to whomever I wish. Worship me and they're yours, the whole works."
 8 Jesus refused, again backing his refusal with Deuteronomy: "Worship the Lord your God and only the Lord your God. Serve him with absolute single-heartedness."
 9-11 For the third test the Devil took him to Jerusalem and put him on top of the Temple. He said, "If you are God's Son, jump. It's written, isn't it, that 'he has placed you in the care of angels to protect you; they will catch you; you won't so much as stub your toe on a stone'?"
 12 "Yes," said Jesus, "and it's also written, 'Don't you dare tempt the Lord your God.'"
 13 That completed the testing. The Devil retreated temporarily, lying in wait for another opportunity.

I can’t even imagine facing that kind of temptation after not eating for forty days. Jesus not only got through the forty days, he passed the test. It was at the end of his days in the desert when Satan appeared to him. At His weakest the evil one threw three temptations at Him.

1. He tempted Him in His weakness physically. He told Jesus, to “turn these stones to bread.”

2. He tempted Him in His in His status as the Son of God by offering up the Kingdoms of this world if He would just “bow down” to him.

3. He tempted Him in His loyalty to God by questioning Him about whether He would be rescued if He were to jump off the Temple.

Jesus answered each of the temptations with Scripture:

"It takes more than bread to really live." Deuteronomy 8:3

"Worship the Lord your God and only the Lord your God. Serve him with absolute single-heartedness." Deuteronomy 6:13

“Don't you dare tempt the Lord your God." Deuteronomy 6:16

When we are faced with temptation we should always turn to the Word of God for strength and direction. We must pattern our behavior after Jesus and that is what He did. He quoted Scripture.

Jesus included “Lead us not into temptation” because He knew what a threat it was to us because He had been there Himself. God wants those who belong to Him to experience victory over temptation. He provides the means to get through these hard times.

1 Corinthians 10:12-13 (NLT) 12 If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall. 13 The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.

We can only get through temptations with the power we find in Christ alone. If we think we will never fall as badly as others, then we are sorely mistaken. It’s when we least expect falling to expect a fall. That’s not negative thinking, that is preventive, proactive thinking. There is not a moment in life when we shouldn’t depend on God for His guidance and help.

God doesn’t lead us into temptation, He draws us to Himself. God is faithful. He doesn’t allow the temptation to exceed our faith in Him. God tests us for the purpose of growing us. The devil tempts us to make us fall. Our God is not like that. He only allows things into our life that will cause us to move closer to Him.

James 1:2-3 (NLT) 2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

James teaches us to consider trials with an attitude of joy. That sounds so contrary to what we think. However, when we face trials with an attitude of drawing closer to God, then we should rejoice because we become stronger and firmer in our faith.

James 1:12-15 (NLT) 12 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.
    13 When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

We succumb to temptation on our own and when we do we are dragged away like a lion drags his prey away when they fall. It is an act of our will to fall into temptation. It is an act of our will to follow Jesus and stand behind Him. When we act in accordance to Jesus’ will for us, then the temptation will fade. We become stronger.

So, Lord, lead us away from temptation into your Kingdom and away from the death the evil one has in store for us. Make our way clear. As long as we keep our eyes fixed on You, we are safe. In You we trust and will not fall. Without You we will surely fall. Amen!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Prayer Study Week Four Lesson Five

“The Grace of God”

As I wrote this study, I asked God to reveal to me what He wants us to know about grace and this scripture about Paul’s “thorn” came to my mind. So as I read through it once more I came to realize that the “thorn” wasn’t the theme of the passage. God’s grace through Christ is.

I want us to start this lesson by reading 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. Summarize what you read:

This passage has always been a tough one for me. Why does it even need to be in the Bible? And what is the “thorn” that the Apostle Paul wrote about? So often I have just skimmed over this passage because it made no sense to me. I’ve heard sermons on it and listened to speculation on what the “thorn” was.

Read 2 Corinthians 12:9a again. (NIV) Fill in the blanks:
But He said to me, “My ___________ is ____________________ for you, for My _____________ is made ___________________ in ______________________.”

The Power and Sufficiency of God’s Grace
God has the power to do what He says. Through the Lord Jesus Christ, we receive sufficient grace. It doesn’t mean that the grace we receive is just enough to get us by. It is a dynamic power. It lifts us up and covers us with His power and presence. This power of grace is seen when we believe God’s promises through His Son Jesus.

Read the following scriptures and describe the power of God in each one:

Genesis 18:13-14 (Focus on verse 14)

Isaiah 40:29

Matthew 19:26

God does the impossible!

Belief in Jesus and His Word plays an important roll in receiving the grace and power He provides. To receive the grace of God, we must believe in His Son Jesus Christ. Christ tells us that His power is made perfect in our weakness. What does that mean? The world tells us differently. It views the follower of Christ as weak. But we know that in Christ Jesus our weakness demonstrates His power.

Read 2 Corinthians 12:9b-10. By recognizing our weaknesses, what do we allow to rest on us?

To delight in your weakness means that we see it as a good thing. Why would acknowledging our weaknesses, insults, hardships, in persecutions and difficulties be a good thing?

When I lay down my will for God’s will, I take up the banner that says, “I belong to Jesus and He fights for me.” Our will, our desire for control in our lives only shows our weakness compared to the infinite and all-powerful presence of the Holy One. The power of God displayed through His Son, our Mighty Warrior and Prince of Peace is effective through those who admit they are powerless without Him.

It is essential to recognize the power of God displayed through His Son Jesus to have an effective prayer life. If we don’t recognize His power and supremacy over us, then our prayers go nowhere. They hit the ceiling and fall to the floor. We must come under His grace and that means we need to accept His grace fully and not rely on anything or anyone else.

Read Ephesians 2:4-5; 8-9. Put each set of verses into your own words:

Verses 4-5:

Verse 8-9:

God’s grace is a gift. And by saying “gift” I don’t mean a shiny, gift–wrapped trinket that sits on a shelf collecting dust, eventually loosing its shine, becoming dull and tattered. God’s grace is new and useful in our daily relationship with Him.

Read Lamentations 3:22-23. Why are we not consumed?

What never fails?

What is new every morning?

How does this verse describe God’s faithfulness?

Some days I feel like there is nothing left of me. And when I go to God in prayer He gently reminds me that I have been trying to do things without Him. If I would just remember that God’s grace is enough and that through my weaknesses He is shown to be strong.  I’m sure you’ve felt that way too. Let’s remember that God is faithful and His grace is enough.

Prayer Time
Go to your prayer journal and thank God for His grace. If there is anything that you have not given over to Him in exchange for His will and power in your life, do that as well. 

Discussion Questions
1. God has the power to do what He says. His grace is enough. How have you seen the display of God’s grace and power in your life? Explain.

2. Christ tells us that His power is made perfect in our weakness.  How can you explain the reason we must accept our weakness to display God’s strength? 

3. Have you admitted your weakness to Jesus or do you still believe that you can fix things and do things on your own power? Explain.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Prayer Study Week Four Lesson Four

“The Holiness of God”

Understanding the holiness of God is essential to our prayer life. What does holiness mean to you? The definition of holiness indicates “the distinction of the sacred.” This distinction of the sacred is defined by “moral perfection and separation from evil.” The Holy One is just that, perfect and separate from evil. God is holy and anything belonging to Him is holy as well.

Read 1 Peter 1:14-16.  If you are a Christ follower, what does verse 14 tell us that we are to do?

Because the Lord who called you is holy, what are you, as a Christ follower to be?

Verse 16 says … for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” What do you think “for it is written,” means?

Why is this significant?

Peter knew that the Holy Scriptures were the Word of God and were relevant to the current situation he was teaching. Peter quoted these verses to challenge believers to live pure lives dedicated to God. The same holds true today. We have the Holy Scriptures; the Word of God; the Bible to learn from and help direct our steps.

Peter is quoting an Old Testament scripture, Leviticus 11:44. This ancient verse teaches us that in order to worship God, who is holy; we must consecrate ourselves and be holy, just as God is holy. How can we be holy? Let’s look at this command to be holy as God is holy.

To consecrate ourselves, is to devote ourselves to God who is devoted to us. We are to separate ourselves from evil and be set apart for God’s purposes. Consecration is not something we do on our own power, but is the voluntary laying down of our will for God’s will. Through the power of the Holy Spirit we are made holy. We can then enter into the Most Holy Place and worship the Holy One.

Read Romans 12:1 & 2. What are we to offer God because of the mercy He has shown to us?

What kind of worship is this?

What is the difference between “being conformed” and “being transformed?”

What are we to stop being conformed to?

What are we to be transformed by?


Conformity suggests that something that doesn’t fit is made to fit. This world shows us all kinds of molds that we think that we must fit into. There’s the mold of appearance. Many women and girls are killing themselves to fit into a certain size jeans. There’s the mold of the mind. Celebrities and politicians, teachers and professors, friends and family… want us to think like they think. There’s the mold of emotions. Movies, TV, the internet, books and more, that play on our emotions and drags us into their view of what we should feel and how we should act. The list goes on and on.

God doesn’t want us not to conform to Him. He wants to transform us into a new creation. He molds us. He doesn’t cram us into a mold that says, “Christian” on it. We are all uniquely and lovingly transformed from our damaged idea of what we think God and the world want us to be.

We must present ourselves as living sacrifices to God. In other words, we must willingly lay down our lives and expectations before His throne and allow Him to supernaturally transform us from the inside out. This is the only way that we will ever know what His good, pleasing and perfect will is. Otherwise, we cannot and will not ever know which way to go.

Read Ephesians 4:20-24. What were we taught about our former way of life?


What is made new when we humble ourselves before God?

When we put on the “new self” what are we created to be like?

In order to approach God in prayer and to know and understand that He has a perfect plan for our lives, we must step out of the ragged clothes of this world and put on the royal robes of a child of God and allow Him to renew our attitudes. We start to think differently and begin to see clearer as we live a holy life. It is a decision of our will to approach God and allow Him to transform us and renew us. This is why being in the Word daily and praying (being in constant communication with God) is essential to a right relationship with God through Christ Jesus.

Prayer Time
God wants to transform you so that you can test and approve what God’s will is ~ His good, pleasing and perfect will. Allow God to do this. Lay your life down and allow Him to transform you. Step out of the constricting mold of this world and step into freedom. Go to your prayer journal and write out a prayer to God asking Him to transform you. Humble yourself before Him and be renewed. 

Discussion Questions
1. Understanding the holiness of God is essential to our prayer life. What does holiness mean to you?

2. Conformity suggests that something that doesn’t fit is made to fit. How have you conformed?

3. In order to approach God in prayer and to know and understand that He has a perfect plan for our lives, we must step out of the ragged clothes of this world and put on the royal robes of a child of God and allow Him to renew our attitudes. We start to think differently and begin to see clearer as we live a holy life. How do you see this affecting your prayer life? Explain. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Prayer Study Week Four Lesson Three

 “Truth of God”

Truth! Is there any absolute truth? The world tells us that there is no absolute truth. It accuses the believer in Christ Jesus of being narrow-minded for believing in absolute truth. As believers we know through scripture that Jesus is the absolute truth. Do we fully understand what this encompasses? Let’s find out what scripture says.

Read John 8:31 & 32. Jesus calls those who believe and follow Him, “disciples.” What does He promise His disciples?

When a person believes that Jesus is who He says He is, God, through Jesus, reveals His truth. By believing God’s truth, we experience freedom from the lies we have learned and have weighed us down. We gain freedom from the sin that we have chosen and received God’s forgiveness. As Jesus’ disciples, we know absolute truth because Jesus is The Truth.

We worship God because of His Truth ~ Jesus Christ.

God’s Truth Revealed
The Truth of God is indicative of His faithfulness revealed to you and me through God the Son ~ Jesus the Holy One. He embodies truth in all its fullness. Jesus is the perfect expression of God’s truth. Jesus doesn’t just speak the truth, He is the Truth. This means that all He does and all He says are completely sincere and full of integrity.

Read John 14:1-7. (See Verse 6).What three things does Jesus say about Himself in verse 6a?

“I am…”

Why can a person confidently approach God?

To worship God in truth, we must know the “Truth of God.” The truth of God is Jesus. He is the way, the only way, to God. There is no other way. To fully worship God, we must accept Jesus as the only way.

We must examine our hearts. Ask yourself whether there is any compromise in you. For example, do you read your horoscope? Do you rely on other philosophies or religions? Do you think that there are other ways to God? Explain. (See Leviticus 19:31 and Deuteronomy 17:2-4)

To worship the Truth of God, we must acknowledge that Jesus is the only way to God. Anything else is a lie and leads to eternal death. The biblical definition of truth is derived from the character of God. It is the reality of things in the relationship of the Triune God ~ God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit.

Everything that exists is created by God and has its fundamental identity in its significance given to it by God. We are to base our reasoning on the truth of God because He is Truth. The world is not always true, it deceives and confuses. But, since we were created by God and there is no deception or confusion in Him, we worship Him in His Truth ~ Jesus Christ.

The Bible tells us that Jesus is Truth ~ The Truth of God. Read John 1:14 and write out your view of how truth is used in this verse and its implications.

We worship God freely because Jesus is the Truth of God. He is the truth and when we believe in Jesus we believe in the perfect truth of God. The world’s truth is not perfect and confuses us at times.  This is why we as believers must seek God in spirit and truth.

When we use the word “life” in our daily conversations, we think of the course of our lives and the day-to-day business of living. When the Bible speaks of “life,” it means “The Life ~ Jesus” ~ the force or power that is the very eternal life of God. Jesus is “The Life.” God’s life is eternal, made available to you and me through Jesus Christ.

Read 1 John 5: 11-12. What is the testimony of God?

What does verse 12 say?

Jesus, “The Life,” is seated at the right hand of God and reigns in power and majesty. He, who is our life, when we accept Him as Lord, provides us with the very essentials for us spiritually as well as physically. One day, we will be with Him and see Him. But, for our life on this earth, He is with us in the form of the Holy Spirit residing in all believers. Worship God because He has given us Jesus ~ The Life.

Prayer Time
Go to your Prayer Journal and worship God in Truth.  Acknowledge Jesus as “The Way, The Truth and The Life” of God. This is essential to truly communicating with God.

Discussion Questions
1. Truth! Is there any absolute truth? The world tells us that there is no absolute truth. It accuses the believer in Christ Jesus of being narrow-minded. What is your opinion? Explain.

2. When a person believes that Jesus is who He says He is, God, through Jesus, reveals His truth. By believing God’s truth, we experience freedom from the lies we have learned and have weighed us down. What do you believe about Jesus?

3. The Truth of God is indicative of His faithfulness revealed to you and me through God the Son ~ Jesus the Holy One. Jesus is the perfect expression of God’s truth. Jesus doesn’t just speak the truth, He is the Truth. This means that all He does and all He says are completely sincere and full of integrity. How do you rely on the Jesus as the Truth? If not, why not?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Prayer Study Week Four Lesson Two

“Righteousness of God”

God always acts in righteousness even when we do not understand His actions.  He is righteous in all things especially in His relationship with us. Knowing this about God is essential to prayer. In God’s relationship to mankind He is always right. We may not think or feel that He is, but in all truth, He is. God doesn’t have to work on His relationship with us because it is  already perfect. We have to get our relationship right with Him. To do this, we must understand what righteousness from God looks like.

Read Psalm 89:14 (NIV) and fill in the blanks. “____________________ and ______________ are the _____________________ of Your throne; __________ and ___________________ go before You.”

The Throne of God
God’s throne is the place of His authority and His is the ultimate authority. No one outranks God. This passage tells us that the foundation of His throne, the seat of all authority, is righteousness and justice. Theses two go hand-in-hand and perfectly describe His position as God. Let’s look at both words and see why they are coupled together:

The word for “righteousness” in Hebrew is “sedeq” and means, “the unswerving adherence to the standard of fairness. It denotes honesty in regard to weights and measures and is made according to the truth without partiality.”

The word for “justice” in Hebrew is “mispat” and means “the upholding of what is just and fair. It is the giving of due reward in accordance with the law.”

So, if we combine these words we see that God is unswerving from the adherence to the standard of fairness. He is always right in His relationships.

Righteous + Justice = Fairness

God upholds righteousness in His actions of justice, giving due reward in accordance with His law. I’m not trying to give you a course in the Hebrew language but looking at these definitions in the original language helps us to better comprehend. I want you to understand, as I want to understand myself, the foundation of God’s throne as we approach Him in worship. We’ve got to realize that He issues only righteousness and justice in His actions toward us. Though righteousness and justice are attributes of God and define His authority, the foundation of His throne, we also see that love and faithfulness go before Him.

Psalm 89:14b (NIV) Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you.

Read Psalm 85:10 -13. How is God’s righteousness described in these verses?

Love and faithfulness meet together, fitting perfectly like pieces of a puzzle. When the two are joined, a picture is seen. When we respond to God’s righteousness (right relationship) with the righteousness that He supplies us, then peace is the result no matter what the circumstances indicate. Love and faithfulness, resulting in His peace, are attributes of God and we see them plainly as we enter the throne room of the Almighty in prayer and worship.

Love + Faithfulness = Peace

The Horn of God
Read Psalm 89:15-18. (NIV) Fill in the blanks.

“________________ are those who have ________________to ______________ You, who walk in the _____________ of Your __________________, O Lord. They rejoice in Your _____________ all day long; they exult in Your _________________________. For You are their __________ and ____________, and by Your _____________ You exalt our __________. Indeed, our ______________ belongs to the Lord, our King to the __________ _________ of Israel.”

Verse 17 reads, “For you are their glory and strength, and by Your favor You exalt our horn.” The “horn” was a symbol of strength. In this particular verse it symbolizes “the strong one,” indicating an individual which we now know to be Jesus. He is the “Strong One” who has defeated sin, death and the evil one by placing Himself on the altar as a sacrifice for our sins before God. Jesus supplies the strength we need for our lives. When we go to Him in prayer, we worship Him because of His mighty power and strength.

Worship God because of Jesus the perfect display God’s strength!

The Shield of God
We all know what a shield does. It is a means of defense and protection. When we come under the protection of God’s shield, we submit to His power and authority. Don’t misunderstand, there are still arrows aimed at us from the evil one. However, by faith, we submit to the protection of God’s shield through our obedience to Him. When we choose to walk around the shield of His perfect will and do things on our own, we leave ourselves open for attack. Our submission to God Almighty is the key. We stand behind our Strength ~ Jesus and He protects us from the assault of Satan.

Read the following verses and write in your own words how the shield is used and the effect of it:

Psalm 18:1-2

Ephesians 6:16

1 Peter 1:3-5

Jesus is the Shield of our salvation and provides spiritual protection against the forces of evil in this world. Our earthly bodies may be harmed or even die, but no one can touch the eternal part of us ~ our spirits, they belong to the Holy One ~ The Shield of God ~ Jesus!

Satan is after our spirits and desires to destroy our relationship with God. He may kill our earthly bodies, but he can never touch our eternal lives because we belong to God. We are victorious because Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords because He has triumphed over death.

Worship God because of His Shield ~ Jesus Christ!

Prayer Time
Go to your Prayer Journal and take time to worship the righteousness of God. Realize that the way He relates to you in your relationship with Him is completely perfect. Approach His throne that is built on the foundation of righteousness and justice, knowing that His love and faithfulness emanate from it, surrounding and indwelling those who choose to worship the Holy One.

Discussion Questions
1. God always acts in righteousness, even when we do not understand His actions.  He is righteous in all things, especially in His relationship with us. How can you apply this to your life? How does knowing this enhance your understanding of prayer?

2. God’s love and faithfulness meet together, fitting perfectly like pieces of a puzzle. When the two are joined, a picture is seen. What picture do you see in the love and faithfulness that God shows towards you?

3. We worship God because Jesus is the perfect display of God’s strength. How have you witnessed the strength of God through Jesus?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Prayer Study Week Four Lesson One

 “One and Only God”

As Christ followers we believe that God is the One and Only True God. There is none like Him. He is unique in that He is Omniscient (all-knowing); Omnipresence (all-present); Omnipotent (all-powerful). No other god or person or angel or anything has these attributes. These are what make God ~ God. It is important that we learn what these words mean so that we can understand why prayer is so important and must be a part of our lives as His children.

Don’t let these words overwhelm you. Allow God’s Holy Spirit, through this lesson, help you understand more of God’s worth. Allow Him to open your heart to true worship of the Holy One. I am beginning to understand more and more about Him and it thrills me. He will thrill you, I know He will.

The Omniscience of God (All-Knowing)
Read Psalm 147:5 (NIV) and write out the verse below.

Underline or highlight the last part of the verse, “His understanding has no limit.” Now read it aloud. This is the meaning of the omniscience of God ~ His understanding has no limit.

God perfectly and eternally knows all things. He knows the past, He knows the present and He knows the future. It is in this knowledge that He perfectly and eternally understands each and every situation you and I encounter.

Read Isaiah 40:27-31. Focus on verse 28. Write out what you learn about God in this verse.

This passage is one of my favorites. Verse 28 describes God and gives us reason for our worship. It tells us that God is everlasting; God is Creator; God is tireless; God’s understanding is limitless.  It describes the omniscience of God. You and I must place our faith in His complete and perfect understanding because He is the everlasting, Creator, tireless and infinitely understanding of all things.

“His understanding no one can fathom.” We can truly worship God by realizing that our understanding is limited and God’s understanding is limitless. When you and I can grasp this and lay our human understanding and reasoning down, God can do His work in our lives. We begin to understand more and more. In this knowledge and understanding of God’s omniscience we can truly worship Him.
For so long I felt like I needed an answer to all my questions. But, when I lay this notion aside and accept that His understanding is complete and mine is not, I feel a freedom like none other. You see, there is no need for excuses. I don’t need to explain everything and can rest in the fact that God is perfect in His understanding.

Read Romans 11:33-36 (NIV) and fill in the following blanks:

Oh, the _______________ of the riches of the _____________ and _________________   of God! 
How __________________ His__________________, and His ______________ beyond tracing out! 

 "Who has ____________ the ___________ of the Lord? Or who has been   His _________________?" 

 "Who has ever _______________ to God, that God should __________  him?" 

For _________ Him and ________________ Him and ________ Him are all things. To Him be the ______________ forever! Amen.

God’s judgments are based on His perfect wisdom and knowledge. You and I will never match that. We are not the Lord’s counselor, He’s our Counselor. There is nothing, nothing, nothing we can give to repay God for all He has done for us. Our existence is because of Him. We must honor and respect Him in how we lead our lives. Worshiping God includes our acknowledgement of His omniscience.

Let us worship the omniscience of God!

The Omnipresence of God
This attribute of God describes His absolute filling of the whole universe in all its parts with His presence everywhere at once. All of God ~ God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit ~ Three in One are present everywhere and at all times. When we accept Him as our Lord, our Leader, we receive all of Him. We don’t receive one billionth of Him. He is all present in every believer’s life.

Let’s look at a few verses that describe God’ omnipresence. Read the following portions of scripture and describe the omnipresence of God you find in each on:

Psalm 139:7-12

Jeremiah 23:23 -24

God is always present. He is everywhere. Without Him, this world, the universe, you and I would cease to exist. It is hard to get our limited minds around this truth. But, it is truth! God is nearby and far off. He fills heaven and earth. He is always present when we need Him. He is never absent.

“God is our refuge and strength, 
an ever-present help in trouble.”Psalm 46:1

In Hebrew the word “ever-present” is “nimsa meod” and literally means “speed, completeness and might. It means God is to be found in all circumstances and He responds with speed, completeness and might when we seek Him”. 

Let us worship the omnipresence of God!

The Omnipotence of God
The omnipotence of God describes God’s ability to do whatever He wills. When you and I decide to do something, the decisions of others may get in the way. Nothing, nothing, nothing thwarts God’s will. God’s will is only limited by His nature because He cannot do anything contrary to His Holy nature as God. For example, He cannot sin, nor can He ignore sin. He does not contradict Himself. God is not controlled by His power, but has complete control over it.

WHOA!!! I feel smoke coming out of my ears! Do you? This is so hard for me to get my limited mind around. It’s no use trying to get my human mind to figure out the omnipotence of God. That’s like trying to sweep up all the sand on the sea shores with a whisk broom and a dust pan.  It is by faith that I allow His Holy Spirit to teach me what the omnipotence of God is. By the Spirit of God I learn that God is all-powerful and His plans and purposes will prevail.

Read Job 42:1-3. What does Job say about God’s plans?

Does anyone obscure God’s counsel?

Do you, like Job; speak of things you do not understand? Explain.

If you read the whole book of Job, you will see that God was never out of control. God’s plans and purposes for you and I cannot be thwarted. That is comforting news, if we view His will as perfect.

Why do we often prefer our will over God’s? If you believe that God is all-powerful why do want to do things our way?

Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder shouting: “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns.”  Revelation 19:6-7a
Let us worship the omnipotence of God!

Prayer Journal
Go to your Prayer Journal and take the time to worship the One and Only God. Thank Him that He is all-knowing ~ all-present ~ all-powerful. 

Worship the omniscience of God. Worship His perfect and eternal knowledge. Place your faith and hope in the fact that He knows your past, present and future. 

Worship the omnipresence of God. Worship His presence in everything and everywhere. He fills the heavens and earth. Allow Him to fill you with His presence through the power of His Holy Spirit. 

Worship the omnipotence of God. Worship God’s infinite ability to do all He wills. His plans and purposes cannot be thwarted. Allow Him to fill you with His power.

Discussion Questions
1. As Christ followers we believe that God is the One and Only True God. There is none like Him. He is unique in that He is Omniscience; Omnipresence; Omnipotence. Describe what each of these mean and how you can apply them to your life. 

2. God perfectly and eternally knows all things. He knows the past, He knows the present and He knows the future. It is in this knowledge that He perfectly and eternally understands each and every situation you and I encounter. Do you believe this about God? Why or why not? 

3. God can and does whatever He wills. When you and I decide to do something, the decisions of others and our own limitations may get in the way. How is knowing that God is all-powerful helpful in a believer’s life?